The Limited Times

Russian missile test: Pentagon threatens Turkey with "serious consequences"

10/23/2020, 7:06:52 PM

The United States warned Friday, October 23 that its relations with Turkey could be seriously affected by the test of the Russian missile system S-400 carried out recently by Ankara, recently confirmed by the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. To read also: Éric Zemmour: "Turkey, symbol of an era which seeks to reconnect with a mythical past" " An operational S-400 system is not compatible

The United States warned Friday, October 23 that its relations with Turkey could be seriously affected by the test of the Russian missile system S-400 carried out recently by Ankara, recently confirmed by the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

To read also: Éric Zemmour: "Turkey, symbol of an era which seeks to reconnect with a mythical past"


An operational S-400 system is not compatible with the commitments made by Turkey as an ally of the United States and NATO,

" said Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman.


We are opposed to Turkey testing this system, it could have serious consequences for our defense relations


See also

- François Hollande calls NATO on "Turkey's bellicose attitude"