The Limited Times

Trump and the Democrats see possible a deal on the $ 1,200 check before the election. But there is another obstacle

10/23/2020, 6:39:52 PM

The president and Nancy Pelosi agree that there is time to close the stimulus plan but demand transfers as Republican senators make their voices heard.

President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have promised to support a new economic stimulus plan for the COVID-19 pandemic if the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, also gives in to reach a final agreement.

Trump assured this Friday that the Democratic leader does not want to reach an agreement before the elections, but Pelosi herself said today: "We could do that before the elections if the president wants."

The president, however, reiterated that

he will not support more federal financial aid

for US states and cities that are "mediocrely run" by Democrats, according to Reuters.

"We have offered compromises. The representative remains entrenched on a number of issues.

If she wants to compromise, there will be a deal

," Mnuchin said.

For her part, in an interview with MSNBC, Pelosi considered it

possible to negotiate

the new financial relief plan before the elections, as long as the president manages to convince her party's senators that they are still resisting the agreement.

[A new relief package (including the expected second check for $ 1,200) is far from being finalized.

We explain]

The concessions Mnuchin has made to advance the agreement

have caused frustration

among Republican senators, according to The Washington Post.

The Secretary of the Treasury has accepted an aid package of approximately 1.9 trillion dollars, which for many senators represents a figure that is too high that it can drive the public deficit even more.

President Trump, meeting this October 23 with Secretary Steven Mnuchin (left);

the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo;

White House Counsel Jared Kushner and National Security Counsel Robert O'Brien.AP

Mnuchin also reportedly agreed to reduce economic benefits for farmers, to redirect resources to the purchase of food boxes.

In addition, more money may be allowed for community development block grants, which are supported by Democrats.

“He deals harder with those of us on his side than with her.

Some of us are fed up

with it, ”said a Senate aide.

"The idea that we are going to agree to any bad treatment I do with her is completely unrealistic," added another Senate aide to the newspaper.

[What about the $ 1,200 check and why Pelosi accuses Trump of using it to her advantage]

 On Thursday, Pelosi assured that her party and the White House are about to reach an agreement, although some key issues remained unresolved.

For example, liability protections for companies, and aid to state and local governments that Trump has rejected again today.

Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told senators that he had recommended that the White House not reach an agreement with Pelosi before the election, warning of a negotiation with which the majority of the party would disagree.

This Wednesday, the economic stimulus plan promoted by McConnell was blocked by the Democratic senators.

By postponing voting on the relief package until after the election, there is a high risk that the Trump Administration will be less inclined to push it through, especially if Democratic candidate Joe Biden wins.

According to Bloomberg, in this scenario, the negotiation on the economic stimulus could be delayed until at least January.

With information from Reuters, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, The New York Times