The Limited Times

Nice: Meloni, government clarifies the bomber's origin

10/29/2020, 4:35:54 PM

"Fratelli d'Italia asks the government to clarify what was reported by the French deputy Eric Ciotti, according to which the attacker from Nice was a Tunisian who arrived in France via Lampedusa. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 29 - "Brothers of Italy asks the Government to clarify what was reported by the French deputy Eric Ciotti, according to which the attacker from Nice would be a Tunisian who arrived in France via Lampedusa. If this news were to be confirmed it would be of an unprecedented severity and would expose our Nation to the risk of isolation. It is a scenario that FdI has been denouncing for some time and that could materialize due to the immigration fury of this Executive. Conte, Di Maio, Lamorgese: faced with a very serious accusation, the Executive is obliged to reply". The president of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, writes on Facebook. (HANDLE).