The Limited Times

Open bar and loud music: a clandestine party closes in a place in the Frente de Todos

10/29/2020, 10:59:48 PM

It happened this morning in La Plata. There were more than 50 young people. Neighbors made several noise complaints.

Correspondent La Plata

10/29/2020 18:04

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/29/2020 18:04

Music, open bar and dance in the middle of the pandemic.

It is common in recent months, the detection of

clandestine parties,

but in La Plata the case had an aggravation: the celebration with

more than 50 young people

was in a local of a political group that is part of the Frente de Todos coalition.

As reported from the municipality of La Plata, this Thursday at 2, based on neighborhood complaints, a procedure was made at the corner of 115 and 34, where a headquarters of the organization allied to the Frente de Todos operates.

According to the inspectors, there was

free distribution of alcoholic beverages

, in a house that belongs to the

Crea group

, which - according to the identification poster - corresponds to the political coalition that governs the province of Buenos Aires and the Nation.

The operation was carried out by Control Ciudadano de La Plata based on "several calls" that reached 147 - for Attention to the Neighbor - for

annoying noises

and the development of a party restricted by the Preventive and Obligatory Social Isolation ordered by the National Government before the coronavirus pandemic.

They detected in La Plata a clandestine party with more than 50 young people in a place of the Frente de Todos.

“Upon arriving at the home, the agents

broke up

the event

that was taking place with an open bar, loud music and the presence of some 50 young people.

They created infractions against the organizers for violating the Decree of Necessity and Urgency 576/2020 and Article 45 of Municipal Ordinance No. 6147 ”, they reported from the municipality.

Until this afternoon, in the different organizations that make up the Frente de Todos,

no one recognized authority or political patronage

over that place that holds social and political meetings in the north of the Buenos Aires capital.

“It is not a political issue.

We need more responsibility.

We have not yet overcome the pandemic, ”Mayor Julio Garro (JxC) wrote on his twitter account.

Last night we evicted in a conspicuously clandestine party carried out in a premises of the Frente de Todos.

This is not a political issue.

We need to have more responsibility.

We have not yet overcome the pandemic.


- Julio Garro (@JulioGarro) October 29, 2020

"We have been making

a great effort

as a society to overcome this pandemic, but we cannot relax, this type of encounter where the protection measures in place are not taken into account are the ones that

put us

most at risk

in contagion situations,

" explained the Secretary of Social Watch, Virginia Pérez Cattaneo.

The official clarified that

a complaint

was filed

in the Federal Court


In the infringement area, economic and criminal sanctions are contemplated: a fine of up to

133,000 pesos

(Article 45 of Municipal Ordinance No. 6147), to the prison sentence of between

six months to two years

provided for in Article 205 of the Penal Code, for those who organize or participate in this type of prohibited encounters in a pandemic.

Along with the warmer nights that spring brings, the season of celebrations and festivities began in the region of the Buenos Aires capital.

But with the restrictions by the virus they are prohibited.

Last weekend there were two procedures: in a house located at 414 between 152 and 153, in Arturo Seguí, there were

more than 70 young people


The agents stopped the event and worked infractions to the organizers.

On Sunday morning, the performance was in the heart of La Plata.

In a store located on Diagonal 74 between 46 and 8, there were about

40 people


They entered by "recommendation."

Inside, after walking down some stairs, they had installed stereo systems, a bar and a dance floor.

He was evicted around dawn.

Since the social isolation began in March,

 there have been more than fifty interventions in public or private places

that carried out social encounters.

More or less massive.

All in the Buenos Aires capital.


Look also

Pilar: a clandestine party in the midst of a pandemic raised the controversy over a crime that has gone unpunished for 7 years