The Limited Times

Reconfinement: teleworking will be increased to 100%

10/29/2020, 6:48:28 PM

According to the new sanitary protocol that we unveil exclusively, the rule is clear. Any employee who can work remotely

All teleworking.

The rule adopted by the executive within the framework of the reconfinement for companies is clear and without appeal: “Teleworking increased to 100% for employees who can perform their tasks remotely”.

This is according to our information, what provides for the new health protocol which will be put online in the coming hours.

Among the other modified points, the new protocol provides for new constraints such as the obligation for the employer to organize "systematically a smoothing of working hours for employees whose work cannot be carried out remotely" such as workers, "in order to to limit crowds at peak times ”.

He is also required to "regularly remind people of the rules of distancing and hygiene" for all employees on site.

Tests in the company?

New, the text opens up the possibility of carrying out tests in the company.

Whether employees are on site or teleworking, employers will have to give "priority to audio and video for meetings" which must "be the rule and face-to-face meetings the exception".

In addition, “moments of conviviality in the professional context” are now prohibited.

Employers should also “encourage the promotion of the TousAnticovid application”.

Finally, they will also have to ensure "the maintenance of links within the work group and the prevention of risks linked to the isolation of employees working telework".

Critics on the update of the protocol were quick to make themselves heard in the employer's ranks, while many discussions took place all day between the Ministry of Labor and the social partners on the terms of the rewrite of this text.

The president of the Confederation of SMEs, François Asselin, does not take offense: “You are no longer signing an employment contract, it is an adoption!

», He reacts to the Parisian.

“It's unbearable […] Within your company, you have to protect him, and with him, you have to pamper him so that he does not suffer from isolation, he continues.

Once again, business leaders will have to cope with this additional obligation weighing on them.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't take care of our employees, but listing it as an obligation exposes us even more.


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