The Limited Times

The list: Omar Adam's birthday present - Miss Europe - Walla! Celebs

10/29/2020, 11:24:11 PM

While Shekim Kardashian celebrated 40 years of existence and trash with all her friends and family in a secret location, Omar Adam celebrated 27 years of existence and frills with none other than Miss Europe - all the events that made you last week. Walla! Celebs record in the round

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The list: Omar Adam's birthday present - Miss Europe

While Shekim Kardashian celebrated 40 years of existence and trash with all her friends and family in a secret location, Omar Adam celebrated 27 years of existence and frills with none other than Miss Europe - all the events that made you last week.


Celebs record in the round


  • Omer Adam

  • Gal Gadot

  • Kim Kardashian

A rebellious person

Friday, 30 October 2020, 00:21

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Omar Adam (Instagram)

The list opens with the show that drives all the kids crazy during the Corona, which is the Festigal, that instead of the kids seeing it live, this year they are forced to see it on screen - but that does not mean the stars do not meet for filming days.

Therefore, just before everyone unites, all the artists were asked to undergo a corona test.

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Sent for testing.

The stars of the festival

Forward to fourth place, where is

Tom Aviv

, who admittedly caught a flight yesterday but did not have to undergo a corona test since he has already contracted the virus.

The famous chef boarded a plane that took him straight to Miami - where he is developing a business and intends to set up a new restaurant.

Have a nice flight.

Tom (Photo: Nir Peking)

We have already reached the third place where there is someone else who has already undergone a test or two following her work - this is how

Gal Gadot

is on planes and photo sites and needs to be re-examined every time.

This time, Gadot just wanted to praise her Israeli friend,

Sasha Baron Cohen

, for his new film, but did not expect that citizens of Kazakhstan would not like the film and what it represents and went on the offensive against it.

She just wanted to pargan

Gadot's second and most respected neighbor is

Kim Kardashian

, who this week celebrated 40 years of existence and trash, and gathered all her family and close friends, put them all on private planes straight to an exotic and secret island just to be picked up at private and stormy beach parties documented on social media. .

Mazel Tov!

And in the first place another guy who can teach Kim Ki how to celebrate - his name is

Omar Adam

and he decided to celebrate his 27th birthday in Dubai.

So apart from his brother and some friends who came especially to pick up with him, there was also Miss Europe for 2019,

Irina Grasimiv

, who seemed very close to the singer.

Her birthday, Walla!

Celebs celebrate in an employee's kitchen.

From Sabih.

That's how you celebrate.

Omar and Irina

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