The Limited Times

The rich singer who orders a lot of food ... but skimps on a tip - Walla! Celebs

10/29/2020, 11:24:00 PM

Even if you have a lot, lots, piles of money, it turns out you can always save. For example, the singer you probably know who likes to order delicacies from restaurants ... but probably less likes to give a tip, not even a symbolic one, to the messengers who provide it. Walla! Wallet celebs

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The rich singer who orders a lot of food ... but skimps on a tip

Even if you have a lot, lots, piles of money, it turns out you can always save.

For example, the singer you probably know who likes to order delicacies from restaurants ... but probably less likes to give a tip, not even a symbolic one, to the messengers who provide it.


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Friday, October 30, 2020, 12:19 AM

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Celebs know and understand, these are difficult times, so she will stick to the facts: Tip, tip in pure Hebrew, is usually a token payment that is usually given to service providers who provide you with something you would not do yourself.

Whether eating in a restaurant, refueling a car, including cleaning the windshield or carrying the suitcase to the hotel room - it is customary to give a few shekels as a gesture of goodwill, depending on the fact and ability.

So, think how much the gossip queen was surprised to find that one of the most successful singers in the country, one who makes as much money at least as he issues hits, "forgets" (or just isn't interested) in giving the tip to messengers who frequent his house with food bags most of the time.

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So it is, that while the rich singer flaunts a decidedly ostentatious lifestyle, it can be assumed that his (hard) work put quite a bit of money into his bank account - and rightly so.

There is no problem with spending all the star's money on fast food deliveries, whether gourmet or junk food, but what about the couriers who leave the place time and time again regularly, after recognizing their familiar customer, without even getting a few shekels of Appreciation Thank you?

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