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Was the mistress involved in the murder of the Watts family? | Israel today

10/29/2020, 2:39:56 PM

Following the headline murder of the Watts family, holes are beginning to be revealed in the mistress version of Nicole Xinger • What is her connection to the murder? | global

Following the Watts family murder by the father who shocked the US and returned to the headlines, holes are beginning to be revealed in the mistress version Nicole Cassinger • What is her connection to the murder?

  • Watts and Xinger

August 2018 shocked the U.S. with a shocking murder case of an entire family. Chris Watts strangled to death his pregnant wife Shaannan and his two young daughters Bella (4) and Celeste (3) with pillows he took from their bedroom. He buried his daughters in oil barrels and his wife in a shallow grave He dug.

At first he pretended to be devastated and even claimed that his family had been abducted (later changed his version and claimed that it was his wife who murdered the girls), but later admitted to having an affair and committing the heinous murder.

In order to escape the death penalty, he agreed to a plea deal in which he was convicted on five counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to five life sentences.

Mistress Nicole Cassinger and Chris Watts began an affair in June 2018. Two months later, as mentioned, Watts murdered his family.

A writer named Chrissie Stockton now claims on the social network Tiktok that Xinger is far from being an innocent victim as she tried to present herself, and that her contribution to the actual heinous murder was far more significant than has been revealed so far.

Stockton claims that as she researched the details of the case in depth, she discovered information that revealed a completely different story from the one presented. 

According to her, Xinger planned an insurance scam when, along the way, the relationship formed with Watts became an affair, but the ultimate goal was to get rid of his family so the two could continue the relationship and collect their life insurance money.

Stockton claims there are too many holes in the story as presented, and she flattened many of them that emerged from an in-depth investigation she conducted: "After failing a polygraph, Watts broke down pretty quickly and confessed to the heinous crime. , Stockton wondered.

Xinger claimed she did not know Watts was married because he did not wear a wedding ring.

She further said that even when he admitted that he was married and had a family, he insisted that he was separated.

According to Xinger, she found out that his wife was pregnant and the two were still married only through news reports after the affair exploded, but she frequently visited the Facebook page of Sha'anan, Watts' wife, where Sha'anan updated on the pregnancy and her family's life.

"In no way could it be understood from the posts that her marriage was coming to an end," Stockton continued.

In addition, Watts and Xinger met at the factory where he finally buried his wife and daughters.

As a on-site security officer, Lexinger had a wealth of information about the site, including the fact that it would be perfect for committing an insurance fraud offense, one that would involve a powerful explosion that would destroy bodies and evidence.

According to Xinger, the first time she felt something was wrong was on the night of the murder.

Before Shanan returned from her business trip that night, Watts and Xinger had a long face-to-face conversation.

Watts was lying on a mattress without bedding, and Xinger claimed she thought it was something strange, since it was late at night.

When the bodies of Watts' wife and daughters were discovered, they were wrapped in sheets.

Watts and Xinger's face-off call lasted 111 minutes.

Cassinger did not recall in her interrogation what they were talking about, even though she was interrogated 72 hours after that conversation.

The mistress further claimed that after getting the impression that Watts was too indifferent about the fate of his family, she herself contacted the police.

In fact, it was already after the police were updated by the inspector at their work site (where he buried the bodies).

Xan has no alibi at the time of the murder.

Although the affair between them lasted only two months, police discovered a wedding dress in Xinger's possession. 

In addition, in her Google search history, phrases like "marriage to your mistress" and "the man I'm having an affair with said he would leave his wife."

Police revealed that Xinger searched for Watts' name on Google as early as August 2017, almost a year before the date she first testified, and months before she met him at work.

On the morning of the murder, he testified that he saw a pickup truck similar to the one Xinger owned outside Watts' home, and Stockton claims to have encountered someone else in Tiktok who analyzed the footage from the security cameras in his home.

According to her, you can clearly see someone there who is not Watts, but it is difficult to say with certainty that it is Cassinger because of the low photo quality.

On the other hand, the same silhouette matches the body structure of Xinger, and we also see a purse that matched the one worn by the mistress at the time.

Xanger also tried to destroy her SIM card before handing it over to investigators, and managed to delete Watts' text messages and photos from her cell phone memory.

Her search history suggests she tried to find out if researchers could read messages she deleted.

Her conversation history revealed that she was in contact with Watts the night before the murder, on the morning of the murder and the day after.

Her search history found that Xinger searched Google for the value of Amber Fry, who was the concubine of Scott Peterson who was accused of murdering his pregnant wife Lacey Peterson, apparently to find out how much money she made from interviews and films produced about the murder.

Throughout her interrogations, Xinger refrained from mentioning the explicit oil of Watts' wife and daughters, a well-known tactic of interrogees committing crimes in an attempt to create a disconnect between them and their victims.

Since Watson confessed to the heinous crime he committed, Xinger has erased all of her social accounts, and left her job and place of residence.

As far as is known, in the two years since, Xinger has received many threats on her life and has become one of the most hated women in the country.

According to rumors, due to the information she revealed in her investigations, she was placed in a witness protection program.

At the beginning of the month, she even submitted a formal request to change her name, all so that she could open a new page in her life and break away from the shocking affair.