The Limited Times

A teacher arrested on suspicion of child abuse in Ramat Gan Israel today

11/1/2020, 7:26:32 PM

| CriminalsA couple of parents arrived at the police station backed by videos from recent weeks, in which the owner of the kindergarten is seen forcibly slapping one of the children into the crib, and pulling another child Mobile in Ramat Gan (those photographed have no connection to the article) Photography:  Gideon Markovich (Archive) The Merhav Dan police filed a complaint last weekend against the ow

A couple of parents arrived at the police station backed by videos from recent weeks, in which the owner of the kindergarten is seen forcibly slapping one of the children into the crib, and pulling another child

  • Mobile in Ramat Gan (those photographed have no connection to the article)


    Gideon Markovich (Archive)

The Merhav Dan police filed a complaint last weekend against the owner of a kindergarten in Ramat Gan, on suspicion of violence against toddlers during their stay in the kindergarten.

At the moment there is only one parent couple who have complained and the police are trying to go through the security tapes of the kindergarten.

The couple arrived at the police station this weekend backed by videos from recent weeks, in which the owner of the kindergarten is seen forcibly slapping one of the children into the crib, pulling another child and even moving them rudely.

The mother who filed the complaint said in an interview with Channel 12 that her son had complained several times about what was happening in the kindergarten.  

"My son complained that the kindergarten teacher pulled his hair and it turned out that there are other parents who felt that something strange was happening to the children lately. You see it happening to other people and it's a market and you do not believe it happens to you ... she should be behind bars," said the mother. 

According to her, they asked to see the cameras that document the activity of the kindergarten, while the kindergarten teacher refused and claimed that it was a one-time mistake that nothing was photographed and she would turn on the cameras.

Upon receiving the complaint, the police opened an investigation, in which the owner of the kindergarten, a 63-year-old woman, was questioned, who was confronted with the videos and was imprisoned at the end of the investigation.

Tomorrow (Monday) the police will request an extension of their detention in the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv.