The Limited Times

Elections in the USA: Who wants Donald Trump to win?

11/2/2020, 2:23:56 PM

An eventual victory of the tycoon would be bad news, except for the adversaries of the United States, or for the small cluster of its global allies who perceive in the geopolitical babbling of the North American a green light to impose here or there the law of the fittest. .

11/02/2020 10:22 AM

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/02/2020 10:22

An eventual victory for Donald Trump would be bad news, except for the adversaries of the United States, China among them, who tries to guess at the consummation of that leadership

the proof of the decline of the American empire

and of an inevitable change of stage to its favor in global power.

Or for the small cluster of allies of the tycoon in the world, who correctly perceive in the geopolitical babbling of the North American a green light to impose here or there

the law of the strongest


The Middle East, North Africa or the Caucasus are territories of these excesses.

Those who argue, and there are many, that Democrat Joe Biden, due to his

apparent absence of leadership, will

not be able to reverse these deviations, possibly they are right but wrong in the approach that focuses only on the personality of the former vice president.

The hard way is to detect the tendencies of which this leadership is the visible part.

Trump is not a loose atom


It emerged as a semi-late emerging of the anti-system and sovereign phenomenon that spread across Europe since 2008 with the previous crisis.

The North American magnate was one more and outstanding of

a global nationalist tendency

that responded to that economic disaster, and particularly to the social exclusion that he promoted, on the left and especially on the right, with a multitude of fanatical and messianic anti-system leaders.

Biden is also a part of the whole.

It doesn't matter how it is individually.

The key lies in what it represents, the difficult opportunity for a recovery of North American leadership.

An ambitious goal, whose enormous doubts of being achieved are explained by the mere executive existence of Trump, that if it got there, and the way it is exhibited, it is because something happened that has made it possible.

There are no coincidences in the story


Joe Biden, the establishment alternative.


The truth is that the abyss that the president has dug already exposes ominous reflections for the establishment and Wall Street that for many reasons

have made Biden their alternative


They are reflected in other types of tendencies, a “post-Americanism” that is taking the form of doctrine and that excludes the United States from the decision-making system, with Germany among the first to manifest it.

Trump does not have a balance of successes, that is, of power, to counteract this exclusionary effect.

The trade war against China

was a waste of time and money

, which did not change Beijing's binational balance sheet.

It also didn't stop Chinese tech growth.

Nor was there a herd return of the companies relocated to the United States.

Globalism, which this White House hates, is only challenged by the pandemic but unscathed in the current and future interaction of the planetary economies.

In the US, the economic boom that the president raises as his own event, was the product of an

extraordinary increase in public spending

, lower taxes on higher-income sectors and the result of the push of the adjustments that his predecessor built , Barack Obama, at the cost of leaving a huge mass abandoned on the sidelines of the cast, which is where those who voted as they did in 2016 come from.

Trump has been, in this sense,

an optical illusion

as populism always is, which does not remove his capacity for harm.

It is coherent that such an experiment

is armed with lies and paradoxes


The US boss accuses Biden that if he won, he would make the United States another Venezuela.

The interesting thing is that this dialectic centrifuges own feelings.

It is Trump who is modeled on Latin American caudillismo with his authoritarianism, violation of republican limits, personalism and contempt for the other.

Former President Barack Obama, campaigning with Joe Biden AFP

As in Chavista Venezuela and other borders,

the magnate has captured the term homeland

, as he defines his voters, making it clear where those who do not agree with his figure remain.

A Caesarism that in a second term will only expand.

Look also

Much more than Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the maze of the US elections.

The unseen meanings of the US elections

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