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Muslim officials condemn boycott of French products

11/2/2020, 7:14:33 PM

The mosques of Paris, Lyon and Saint-Denis de La Réunion have signed this text in support of "French law (which) grants a very large p

"There are times when we must stand in solidarity with our country which has been undergoing unjustified attacks for several weeks".

Three major mosques and Muslim federations gathered at the Paris Mosque on Monday to oppose the call to boycott French products.

This text, presented to the press, was signed by the Grandes mosques of Paris, Lyon and Saint-Denis de La Réunion, as well as three Muslim federations.

A statement to read and download in French, Arabic and English: https: //

- Great Mosque of Paris (@mosqueedeparis) November 2, 2020

There is the Rassemblement des Muslims de France (RMF), the French Federation of Islamic Associations of Africa, the Comoros and the Antilles (FFAICA) and the Coordination of Muslim Associations of Paris (CAP).

No amalgamation with "the sowers of hate"

Distributed online in French, English and Arabic, this message is a quadruple condemnation.

First, the condemnation of "unjustified calls" to boycott French products.

Then that of "all those who instrumentalize Islam for political, diplomatic or mercantile ends to mislead our fellow citizens and our co-religionists".

The signatories also denounce “terrorism and all forms of violence expressed in the name of our religion”.

Finally, they revolt against the “calls for murder launched by foreign officials”.

In addition, they ask the French authorities to take "strong measures so that the Muslim component of France […] is not amalgamated with the sowers of hatred".

Press conference on the occasion of which a joint declaration was read by several Muslim federations, associations and mosques in France.

A call for republican unity against the violent instrumentalisation of the Muslim religion in France.

- Great Mosque of Paris (@mosqueedeparis) November 2, 2020

This collective speech, however, suffered a false note.

What about the French Council for Muslim Worship (CFCM), the main interlocutor of the public authorities?

Some of the signatories are part of the CFCM, but the text has not been approved by the institution.

Its president Mohammed Moussaoui has, according to them, been "invited" to sign it, but the latter assures AFP "not to have been associated with this process".

Last week, the CFCM sparked controversy.

After having first deplored this call for a boycott, Mohammed Moussaoui had made ambiguous remarks on the freedom to caricature, which he wanted to see "framed".

"An awkwardness," he backpedaled the next day.

"Wrong to say that Muslims in France are living in apartheid"

As a reminder, several Muslim countries, from Pakistan to Mali via Qatar, have called for French products to be turned away from stores.

Demonstrators protest against statements by Emmanuel Macron defending the right to caricature, after the beheading on October 16 by an Islamist of teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown his students caricatures of Muhammad, representations that Islam in its strict interpretation forbids.

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Emmanuel Macron tried to appease the anger this weekend by ensuring that he understood, in an interview with the Al-Jazeera channel, that Muslims could be “shocked” by the cartoons of Muhammad, denouncing the “manipulation” and “violence ".

Macron: the boycott of French products is "unworthy" and "inadmissible"

"At best there has been a misunderstanding of a number of Muslim countries, and at worst there has been manipulation, a number of lies that have been repeated," said Anouar Kbibech, former president of the CFCM and president. of the Rassemblement des Musulmans de France (RMF), which signed the text.

"It is totally false to say that Muslims in France experience apartheid or Islamophobia or state racism", he insisted.

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