The Limited Times

The horror of Paola Tacacho: another announced femicide and an absent State

11/2/2020, 6:14:45 PM

Mauricio Parada Parejas (32) murdered the English teacher, whom he harassed since 2015. She denounced him 17 times, but never received protection. "The state killed her," said Belén, her cousin.

Natalia Iocco

11/02/2020 2:42 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 11/02/2020 2:42 PM

At first it seemed a coincidence.

Then he was struck by the fact that it was repeated on every wall on the way to the gym: Paola Estefanía Tacacho (32) saw her name written on the posts, on the walls, all the way from her home to the gym.

It was not once, in five years the threats were repeated.

She also found them inside the building where she lived in downtown Tucumán, a few blocks from the place where she was stabbed to death this Friday.

There were 13 complaints that Paola made in the Tucumán courts, plus another 4 from her family in Salta.

So many that the employees remember her from insisting so much: in five years she did not stop going, provide evidence, bring witnesses, show threats and tell a little about the ordeal that Mauricio Parada Parejas (32) made her live.


They never protected her,

" her family denounces.

Paola left Salta to study at the National University of Tucumán, where she became an English teacher and took her first steps.

But she met Parada Parejas teaching classes around her home at the Mark Twain Institute, from which she was

fired shortly after asking for help


This man was her student for only two months and in November 2015 Paola filed the first complaint.

The following year he denounced it three more times.

Again in 2017 and again in 2018. The last time was in May of this year.

"He followed her all the time. I think she got used to living like this or she didn't tell us so as not to worry us, but what made her live was an ordeal. She would stand in the window of the gym where she went and look at her. He always looked at her. He waited for her when she went to work, followed her to work, or sat in front of her until she arrived. On Saturdays, my cousin already knew that at 17 he would come and ring the bell. Every week the same thing, at the same time ", tells


Belén, Paola's cousin.

Mauricio Parada Parejas used to wait seated for Paula Tacacho, according to the victim's friends.

The residents of his building, on San Juan Street, knew well what was happening.

This man had entered to threaten her and they saw him waiting for her for hours.

"Be careful Pao, the madman is waiting for you to arrive," the merchants on the block wrote to him when they saw him.

"In court, the employees knew her. Because she went to complain all the time. She went several times to talk to this guy's family to ask for help. They excused themselves by saying that 'I was just looking at her', that 'it was a coincidence' or that ' I had mental problems, 'but they

didn't take charge,

"Belén is indignant.

In addition to persecuting and harassing her for years, Parada Parejas threatened Paola's friends and family.


had to close her social networks, change the phone number

. I'm sure the second person she wrote the most to was me, but also other people. She would say: '

Tell Paola that she has little time left

' Or she created false profiles and shared photos of herself or with other girls who were victims of femicide, "Marcelo told

Los Primeros TV


In one of the profiles she created, under the name of Paola, she used photos of Anahí Benítez, the teenager murdered in 2017. Or images edited with the caption "RIP" or with the caption "We are watching you, nothing is going to end."

In another he wrote "Your time

will come

" and also, on a photo of the teacher: "

The time to disappear is coming


One of the captures made of the threats in the social networks of Mauricio Parada Parejas against Paola Tacacho.

Tucumán and the femicide pandemic

Tucumán is the second province in the country with the highest rate of femicides: 5.31 per million inhabitants.

First is Jujuy, with a rate of 7.78 cases per million inhabitants.

And in third place, Misiones, with a rate of 4.76 per million.

But it

was the last to adhere to the "Micaela Law," 

which establishes gender training for all state officials.

And he did not do so until he received strong criticism for refusing to apply Law 27,499, two years after its sanction.

Tucumán was also the last to apply the law on violence against women, in 2016.


The family of this man knew, knew what he was doing and did nothing,

" said Ana, the victim's partner.

In addition, he explained that the brother “told Paola that she was the one who had to go.

As a family, they were not willing to make that sacrifice, ”he recalled.

The femicide occurred this Friday night on the sidewalk of a house of frozen products, on Monteagudo Street at 500, meters from the victim's house.

Parada Parejas - as he usually did - was waiting for her and stabbed her against the window.

His killer tried to leave, but the neighbors surrounded him to prevent him from escaping: he stabbed the knife in his chest and died.

Paola Tacacho, victim of a femicide in Tucumán.

Another teacher denounced having been a victim of harassment by Parada Parejas in 2011: "I was teaching Philosophical Anthropology at the Faculty of Psychology. I had a student who got 10 in all the partials. When I had to talk about Nietzsche he asked me for consultation classes. they scared:

always tangled questions about death and about Germany

, and the relationship between his philosophical ideas and Nazism. I referred him to the head of the chair. He did not want to ask any questions, "he said on his social networks. 

"Before the end of the year I stopped teaching. At the end of that year I became pregnant with León. A few months later, anonymous death threats and other horrible sexual content began to reach me. I was going through a very difficult personal time. the complaint without knowing who it was. In a short time, I was perhaps six months pregnant, the harasser wrote on the envelope, by hand, 'Germans and Nazis must die.' My last name, of course, is German. It was my student: Mauricio Parada Parejas, who killed another teacher yesterday. I denounced him this time with first and last name, year 2012, "he added.


Why didn't anyone do anything for her if she reported it, provided evidence?

They never put an ankle brace on her or gave her a panic button. Why didn't anyone take care of her? The family knew all this, again the ineffectiveness of the State he takes a life. Judge Francisco Pisa said there was no merit to convict him and acquitted him. I don't know what this judge needed to do something, how much more? "exclaims Belén.

Mauricio Parada Parejas used to wait seated for Paula Tacacho, according to the victim's friends.

And he closes: "Nothing is going to give her back, there is not much to say. We were planning a trip for next year. She had obtained a visa to go to study abroad. She was a young girl, with so many projects, with life. ahead. And he made her suffer until the last moment of her life. "

This Monday, the 18 organizations of women, relatives and friends of Paola, will hold a demonstration in the Plaza de la Independencia, in front of the Government of Tucumán, to ask for justice for femicide.

There will also be another protest in the Plaza 9 de Julio, in Salta, where the victim was originally from.