The Limited Times

The Vatican qualifies the Pope's words on gay unions

11/2/2020, 6:36:47 PM

The Holy See says that the statements were taken out of context and that in no case do they change the doctrine on the matter

The communicative policy of the Holy See has been difficult to decipher for some time.

Francisco, a born communicator, a spontaneous man and an excellent message builder, has taken over the entire Vatican discourse and leaves little room for the strategy of whoever is in the engine room.

Beyond the parade of spokespersons (some resigned, others less interested in the position), dismissed communication directors and inexplicable silences around very serious crises, even more cases are surprising, such as the last statements of the Pontiff, in which he assured in the documentary Francesco who was in favor of civil unions between homosexuals.

The Pope also spoke of the right they had "to a family" in a film, which premiered in Rome and was screened in the Vatican gardens and whose director (Evgeny Afineevsky) the Pope had given a birthday cake the day before .

Now, however, the Vatican says they are taken out of context.

  • The Pope's words on civil unions between homosexuals open another gap in the Vatican

The reality is that the fragment where the Pope makes these statements is taken from material censored or unauthorized by the Vatican a year before the interview with the Pontiff on Televisa in 2014. Either someone made a mistake by delivering the gross now, or there was interest in it coming out right now.

But beyond the fact that there may be several linked cuts that give the wrong impression of the meaning of the phrase, it is assumed that the Holy See saw the documentary - it always meticulously reviews all the material of interviews with the Pope - and must have given its authorization.

The doctrine does not change

The clarification was sent by the Secretary of State to the nuncios of all the countries.

A note where it is ensured that the words do not change the doctrine of the Church.

In addition, it is clarified that “more than a year ago, during an interview, Pope Francis answered two different questions at different times that, in the aforementioned documentary, were edited and published as a single answer without the proper contextualization, which generated confusion".

Something that at no time has the Vatican press office clarified two weeks after the news was published by all the international newspapers.

The Vatican concludes in the document sent to the nunciatures that "it is evident that Pope Francis has referred to certain state provisions, certainly not to the doctrine of the Church, reaffirmed numerous times over the years."

No one at that time imagined that the Church would look favorably on gay marriage, nor that it would think of changing its position on gay sexual acts (it considers them sinful).

But, in fact, if the doctrine does not change and what Joseph Ratzinger established when he was the prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith is maintained, not even civil unions would have the support that the Pope has given them.