The Limited Times

Usa 2020: over 95 million have already voted

11/2/2020, 4:09:08 PM

One day after Election day, over 95 million people voted in advance, of which about 60 million by post and 34 million in person. Over 30 million cards have not yet been returned. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, 02 NOV - One day after Election day, over 95 million people voted in advance, of which about 60 million by mail and 34 million people. Over 30 million cards have not yet been delivered. These are the data of Us Elections Projects, an independent project to track the early vote.

    In the early vote, according to the party registration available in about twenty states, democratic electorates predominate with 21,233,585 (45.4%), while the republican ones are 14,218,201 (30.4%). Independent employees amounted to 11,059,461 (23.6%). (HANDLE).

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