The Limited Times

Maradona successfully operated for a bruise on the head

11/4/2020, 7:11:40 AM

Diego Maradona, Argentine football legend, underwent successful surgery Tuesday evening for a bruise on the head, five days after celebrating his sixtieth birthday. “The hematoma was successfully evacuated. Diego tolerated the surgery well. He is awake and all is well ”, announced in conference ...

Diego Maradona, Argentine football legend, underwent successful surgery Tuesday evening for a bruise on the head, five days after celebrating his sixtieth birthday.

“The hematoma was successfully evacuated.

Diego tolerated the surgery well.

He is awake and all is well ”, announced in a press conference his doctor Dr Leopoldo Luque, surgeon of the private clinic in the city of Olivos, north of Buenos Aires, where the operation lasted two hours.

The star had been transferred there after a first hospitalization on Monday in La Plata, 60 km south of the capital.

"He will remain under observation," said his doctor.

Diego Maradona had been transported to this clinic after a CT scan revealed the presence of the hematoma.

Repeating that the extraction of a subdural hematoma, located in the head, is a "routine operation", Dr. Luque recalled that the former Argentine president Cristina Kirchner (2008-2015) had undergone the same operation during his tenure.

“He's an elderly patient with a lot of pressures in his life.

This is a time when we must help him.

It's very difficult to be a Maradona, ”he added, before the operation.

Dr Luque had indicated that the ex-player suffered "from anemia" and was "a little dehydrated".

Asked if the hematoma could be the consequence of a stroke, the doctor indicated that "patients generally do not remember" what could have been the cause.

“These are imperceptible hematomas,” he stressed.

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  • Diego Maradona to be operated on for a brain hematoma

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