The Limited Times

Corona in sport: DFB adapts corona hygiene concept - a little

11/4/2020, 11:20:52 AM

The fully utilized test capacities in Germany put football on the defensive. The DFB is trying to adapt its concept. The DFL has not yet moved.

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The DFB wants to give the laboratories "more time", the rules of the Bundesliga remain unchanged


Daniel Bockwoldt / dpa

Test bottlenecks in the laboratories have prompted the German Football Association (DFB) to adapt its Corona hygiene concept.

The tests in the 3rd division and the women's Bundesliga are to be carried out "immediately two days before the game and no longer one day before the game".

The corresponding decision of the Presidium comes into force "with immediate effect".

The DFB confirmed this on SID request.

With this step, the association wants to prevent possible criticism regarding a shortage of test capacities caused by football at the expense of the general public.

"On the one hand, this procedure makes pool testing possible, which results in a relief of the capacities," said the DFB: "On the other hand, it leaves more time for the evaluation of the samples, which reduces the time pressure and gives the laboratories the opportunity to continue to give preference to other tests that are medically necessary. "

Currently, around 2500 tests per week are necessary in the 3rd division and the women's Bundesliga.

In the case of pool tests, not individual results but the result of the whole group are evaluated.

If the group test turns out negative, the individual tests are omitted.

Additional tests must only be carried out with the retained samples if the result is positive.

The DFB did not announce how many tests should actually be free.

In the Bundesliga and the 2nd division, however, there has not yet been any adjustment to the existing regulation.

The concept still provides for individual tests "36 hours before kick-off at the earliest".

In addition, no pool tests are allowed.

Before the start of the season, the German Football League (DFL) had declared that professional football needs around 3500 tests per week to carry out the game.

At that time it was said: "But it is also completely clear: Should future developments - for example a second wave of corona infections - actually result in bottlenecks, the DFL will of course not affect the supply of the population."

Most recently, the Association of Accredited Laboratories in Medicine (ALM) complained about overloading its facilities.

The latest figures show 1.4 million tests per week, meaning that the capacity is "100 percent nationwide for the first time".

According to the ALM, there are already backlogs and the reserves are exhausted.

According to the ALM chairman Michael Müller, this is also due to the fact that "too many asymptomatic and therefore people with very low priority" are being tested.

Icon: The mirror

mfu / sid