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Messi to Maradona: "Sends you all the power in the world" Israel today

11/4/2020, 4:09:26 PM

The Barcelona star, who is considered the natural heir of the football legend who underwent emergency surgery on his head, sent exciting recovery wishes | World football

The Barcelona star, who is considered the natural heir of the football legend who underwent emergency surgery on his head, sent exciting congratulations: "Waiting to see you come back to yourself soon. A big hug from the heart"

  • Fans of Diego Maradona.

    Recovers in hospital



Millions of avid fans had a hard time falling asleep last night after it was revealed that Diego Maradona underwent emergency surgery last night (Tuesday to Wednesday) to treat a blood clot that was discovered in his brain.

This morning (Wednesday) everyone has already breathed a sigh of relief after Diego's doctor told the nation that the surgery was successful and whoever is considered to be the greatest football player of all time, recovers and recovers under close supervision.

"The operation was a great success. We were able to remove the blood clot successfully," said the doctor of the football legend.

Tonight (Wednesday) whoever is considered his successor, Leo Messi, the undisputed star of Barcelona, ​​sent Maradona a message of recovery in a special Instagram post: "Diego, I am now sending you all the power in the world. My family and I are waiting to see you come back to yourself soon. A big hug From the heart. "

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Diego, toda la fuerza del mundo.

My family and I would like to see you well possible.

A heartbreaking hug!

A post shared by Leo Messi (@leomessi) on Nov 4, 2020 at 5:41 am PST

Maradona, who retired from the game 23 years ago, was already close to the next world.

In 2000, when he neglected his body and at the height of his drug addiction, he was hospitalized in Uruguay and went into a 48-hour coma.

His many fans had already said goodbye to him, but he got out of it and managed to restore his health.