The Limited Times

Pennsylvania: State could make the choice - Donald Trump is nervous about predictions

11/4/2020, 10:23:40 PM

When will it be clear whether Donald Trump will be allowed to remain President of the USA? The state of Pennsylvania in the northeast plays a special role - and for several reasons.

When will it be clear whether Donald Trump will be allowed to remain President of the USA?

The state of Pennsylvania in the northeast plays a special role - and for several reasons.

  • The race in the 59th edition of the

    US presidential election *

    in 2020 is entering the hot phase.

  • In many US states the political camp is clearly divided into Democratic and Republican supporters.

  • The "swing states" are decisive.

    The industrial belt around

    Pennsylvania *

    plays a major role this time.

Scranton - Joe Biden * is from a small town in Pennsylvania.

The US state is one of the "swing states" and is


to a hotspot in the battle for

entry into the White House

during the hot phase of the

2020 US presidential election


This is not news: The region around the densely populated industrial belt (“Rust Belt”) is one of the keys to winning the nationwide vote, because the political sympathies here are not relatively clearly defined from the outset.

US election 2020: Trump leads in Pennsylvania - But two reasons speak for Biden

Pennsylvania with its almost 13 million inhabitants plays a major role here: On the one hand, the US state has 20 electorates *.

On the other hand, this time the democratic contender Biden plays a home advantage in the cards.

Of course, both candidates for the office of US President are aware of the importance of the “Rust Belt”: Both

Joe Biden


Donald Trump have

held repeated election campaign events there.

In the US election in 2016, the extremely wealthy entrepreneur in Pennsylvania was able to record a gossamer lead of 0.7 percentage points over Hillary Clinton.

In the 59th edition of the US presidential election (all results in the news ticker), this ratio is likely to be different - and the mean value of the polls makes this clear: Here, the hope of the Democrats lies on average three to five points ahead of the adversary.

In the ongoing vote count, however, incumbent Trump is ahead of the rival - how can that be?

Pennsylvania is likely to bring about the decision in the 2020 US election

This is where the

voting behavior of US citizens

comes into play: significantly more Democrats are considered passionate postal voters compared to Republicans and have thus



votes in



As the Portal

Elections Project

describes, over 60 percent of postal voters are

registered as Democrats

- and most of these votes have not yet been counted.

In addition, because of Corona, a particularly large number of people will vote by letter in 2020: According to estimates, over a million postal ballot papers in Pennsylvania have not yet been evaluated.

Republican Donald Trump and his campaign strategists have long thought through this scenario - and are

apparently playing for time

in the

US election

in order to keep the presidency - regardless of the actual election result.

This is how the project could succeed.

Nationwide, for example, Democrats assume that



deficit in Pennsylvania



into a relatively large



It will probably take some time before the result is there in the industrial region.

The final result will be known by Friday (November 6th) at the latest.

This result could ultimately be decisive when it comes to who will be

President of the United States * in the



The 2020 US election will most likely be decided very tightly.

But the result could not only have political consequences for Trump - but also particularly explosive private ones.

(PF) * is an offer from the Ippen Digital Network

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