The Limited Times

Al-Jaafari: Syria is committed to cooperating with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to close the file permanently and remove it from the circle of political games and media misinformation

11/5/2020, 11:41:53 PM

New York-SANA, Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, reiterated that Syria has not and will not be affected

New York-Sana

Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, reiterated that Syria has not, and will not, use chemical weapons and no longer possesses them basically, and is committed to cooperating with the Prohibition Organization and its technical secretariat to settle all outstanding issues in order to permanently close this file and remove it from the circle of political games and media misinformation.

Al-Jaafari explained in a statement by Syria to a session of the Security Council today via video that Syria has managed, despite the difficult circumstances it went through years ago, and despite the grave challenges posed by terrorist organizations and transnational terrorists and their operators, to cooperate with the United Nations and the ban organization to fulfill its obligations resulting from its accession to the Chemical Weapons Convention. In 2013, indicating that this cooperation resulted in the disposal of all Syria’s stockpiles and the destruction of the relevant production facilities, which was confirmed by the Head of the Joint Mission to Eliminate Chemical Weapons in Syria, Sigrid Kaag, in her briefing to the Security Council in June 2014 as confirmed by documents issued by the Technical Secretariat of the Prohibition Organization The latest of which is the 85th monthly report of the Director General issued on 26/10/2020.

Al-Jaafari pointed out that despite these assurances and despite Western countries witnessing with the eyes of their representatives the destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria on board an American ship and other ships belonging to European countries, some member states adhered to their hostile positions towards Syria and sought to increase escalation and political pressure and launched unilateral and tripartite acts of aggression that preceded any Efforts to verify and elucidate facts and flattened civilian facilities such as the Barzeh Center for Scientific Research on the land despite the organization and its teams' assurances that it would not be used in any illegal activities, searched it repeatedly, and devised illegal mechanisms that were passed in violation of the law and the provisions of the ban agreement such as the "investigation and identification team" and based on reports This team lacks the lowest credentials and professionalism, such as the fabricated report of the Al-Lataminah accident, ignoring the information provided by Syria and Russia, marketing the decision issued by the 94th session of the Executive Council of the ban organization, and imposing artificial dates and deadlines that are inconsistent with the challenges imposed by the Corona epidemic, leading to the American administration's presentation of an escalatory decision. In this council, it aims to serve its agendas and impose them by pressure and threat.

Al-Jaafari said: While Syria expresses its deep appreciation for the positions of the member states that adhere to the principles of international law and the provisions of the Charter and share the condemnation of the use of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction at any time, place and under any circumstance, its position with these countries simply focuses on the need to move away. On the politicization of these important issues and preserving the technical nature of the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), its credibility and its professionalism, surprising what the representatives of Western countries repeat tirelessly or tediously in their insistence on adhering to the approach of Goebbels that they know well and persistently denying all the facts, evidence and proofs that confirm the incorrectness of their allegations.

Al-Jaafari stated that the governments of Western countries are directly responsible and do not accept skepticism about the suffering that the Syrians have been experiencing for nearly nine years, due to their direct involvement in the terrorist, political, economic and financial war against Syria, while they speak out about the noble values ​​and principles and slogans in their dealings with issues related to the situation in Syria, either. It is associated with political, humanitarian or chemical affairs, while in reality and in its dealings with other countries, it does not hesitate to commit various kinds of crimes and enjoy the suffering of its victims.

Al-Jaafari pointed out that even in the field of discussion related to arms control and the prevention of the spread of weapons of mass destruction, there is a deep gap and rupture in the positions of the Western countries that destroyed Iraq under the guise of falsehoods that have been waging for years a misleading campaign and fabricating accusations against Syria while it itself provides care. And military and technical support to strengthen the Israeli occupation’s arsenal of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and it is tasked with defending them in international forums to perpetuate Israel's violations of relevant international agreements and instruments.

Al-Jaafari asked whether the task of preserving international peace and security and occupying permanent and non-permanent seats in the Security Council is compatible with this disconnect, selectivity and double standards ... Where have the lessons of history, testimonies and reports of Hans Blix, Scott Ritter, David Kelly, Jose Boustany, and other documents that expose states' manipulation Specifically with these issues to serve their agendas at the expense of international peace and security and the lives and well-being of our peoples ... What about the facts and evidence presented by the Inspector of the Prohibition Organization, Ian Henderson, Professor Theodore Postol and journalist Aaron Matta during the informal session of the Security Council on 9/27-2020 according to the Aria formula And with a Russian initiative.

Al-Jaafari reiterated that Syria has not, and will not, use chemical weapons and no longer possesses them basically, and that it has committed and is still committed to cooperating with the prohibition organization, its technical secretariat and the declaration evaluation team, to settle all outstanding issues in order to permanently close this file as soon as possible and remove it from the circle of political games. And disinformation.

Al-Jaafari expressed Syria's categorical rejection of what was stated by the High Representative for Disarmament, Izumi Nakamitsu, regarding its failure to receive any response or new information from Syria before submitting this briefing, stressing that this statement is totally untrue. Syria is committed to continuing in cooperation with the technical secretariat of the prohibition organization and the declaration evaluation team to solve all Pending issues. Yesterday, two e-mails were sent to Nakamitsu containing the most important information and developments on Syria's cooperation in addition to the official letter sent by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Dr. Faisal Al-Miqdad to the Director-General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons yesterday, which includes responses to some of his inquiries regarding the implementation of the decision of the 94th session of the Council. The executive about the Al-Lataminah accident.

Al-Jaafari added that Syria is currently hosting a delegation of experts and inspectors who arrived two days ago and will stay until the 24th of this month. It cooperates fully with the organization and provides them with protection, security and safety, and unrestricted entry to all places that they want to inspect, which is the seventh round of inspection. Reports of the sixth round have been issued and confirmed. In the organization's experts, the absence of any chemical materials or activities prohibited under the agreement at the Research Center in Barzeh and Jamraya. On the fifteenth of last month, Syria submitted its 83rd monthly report to the Technical Secretariat on activities related to the destruction of chemical weapons and their production facilities. Last September, the cooperation agreement was extended. The trio between Syria, the United Nations and the ban organization for a period of six months, starting from the 30th of September 2020, and during the period between 9-28 and 1-10-2020, the 23rd round of consultations was held between the Syrian government and the declaration evaluation team that visited Damascus, and all facilities were provided for the success of its mission.

Al-Jaafari stressed Syria's demand for the member states of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to refuse to politicize the technical nature of the organization and to address the politicization and grave defects in its work that would undermine the status and credibility of the organization, and its demand also, the High Representative for Disarmament, Izumi Nakamitsu, to adhere to professional, impartial and objective controls and not to ignore what Syria offers it Of information in the interest of the mandate and credibility of the United Nations.

Al-Jaafari emphasized that the United States, which claims to be keen on arms control and non-proliferation, and which has submitted a draft resolution to the Security Council against Syria, is itself the only country party to the Chemical Weapons Convention and which still possesses huge stocks of these weapons since World War II and refuses to destroy them and seeks with its allies to cover The terrorist organizations ’crimes and their use of chemical weapons and poison gases against Syrian civilians and the Syrian Arab Army.

Al-Jaafari clarified that this was again evident in the report of the fact-finding mission related to the Aleppo incident, which occurred on 11-28-2018, in which terrorist organizations used chemical weapons, which resulted in the injury of 125 civilians and soldiers, so the mission concluded by circumventing these facts with a strange claim that it is unable to determine Whether chemicals were used in this attack, despite the evidence and evidence provided by Syria and Russia to it .. Would the investigation mission have adopted the same position if an accusation could be fabricated against the Syrian government of responsibility?

In response to Germany's delegate to the Council, Al-Jaafari said: History indicates that Germany was at war with Syria at the beginning of World War II when it invaded Syria with the forces of the French Vichy regime, which prompted Syria to later declare war on Nazi Germany and then participate with the victorious countries over Germany. Nazism in the founding of the United Nations in 1945 .. History also teaches us that our two countries have maintained normal relations since the elimination of Nazism. However, the German delegate to the Council insists in his repeated interventions on adopting an overly hostile language towards Syria as if we were in a state of war ... and we are not on our side. In a state of war, contrary to the convictions and delusions of the German ambassador .. It is regrettable that the minimal origins of diplomatic communication were absent from his approach .. We were assuming that his performance would improve and refine his language after he spent nearly two years in the Security Council’s non-permanent membership fortunately.