The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández will speak with Vladimir Putin tomorrow to advance with the purchase of the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus

11/5/2020, 9:38:35 PM

Communication between the President and his Russian counterpart will be between 10:30 and 11.11/05/2020 18:11 Clarí Politics Updated 11/05/2020 18:11 President Alberto Fernandez plans to maintain communication Friday with his counterpart Vladimir Putin to advance efforts to buy the vaccine against the coronavirus that developed the country, called Sputnik V . As reported, both leaders will hold a conversation between 10:30 and 11. On Tuesday, Fernández defended the efforts to acce

11/05/2020 18:11

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 11/05/2020 18:11

President Alberto Fernandez plans to

maintain communication Friday with his counterpart Vladimir Putin to

advance efforts to buy the vaccine

against the coronavirus that developed the country, called

Sputnik V


As reported, both leaders will hold a conversation between 10:30 and 11.

On Tuesday, Fernández defended the efforts to access the medication made in Russia, and that phase three of the scientific tests must still be completed, and detailed that Argentina will advance with the purchase of 25 million doses. 

In defending his decision to buy the Russian vaccine, whose first 10 million doses will arrive in the country in December, the head of state indicated that

"we do not ask anyone what ideology the vaccine has,

what we ask is if it saves the lives of Argentines and if it saves lives we buy it. "

"It does not matter who is producing it,"

insisted the President, after which he criticized those who "speak so lightly."

In this sense, he remarked that "we are talking about Russia, a world power that has 28 Nobel laureates, which has developed science and technology" and added: "It seems that some did not know that the bipolar world and the Cold War ended. , and they put us in an argument that nobody cares. "

"The only thing that matters - he remarked - is to put an end to the nightmare of the pandemic."

At the moment, in addition to the aforementioned Sputnik V from Russia, the vaccines against Covid-19 made by the United States (Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna), the United Kingdom (University of Oxford-AstraZeneca), are in phase three of experimentation. and China (Sinopharm and Sinovac Biotech).