The Limited Times

Amazon: discover the French producers' store

11/5/2020, 5:05:47 PM

The Amazon e-merchant highlights the know-how of French producers through its Producers Shop: an interesting way

At a time when many small businesses and other local shops are closed in city centers, the Internet is proving to be for many French people the preferred way to make their purchases.

In this context, it is very interesting to know that large online sales platforms highlight French producers: this is the case of Amazon with its Producers Shop.

Click here to discover the Producers' Shop

Amazon and French VSEs / SMEs

The American giant indeed supports dozens of VSEs / SMEs in France in their e-commerce approach, which allows them to reach a very large audience and thus allow buyers accustomed or curious about new products to acquire their products in line: to date, Amazon offers more than 7,000 different items, produced or processed in France, and offered in a logic of short circuit distribution.

If you can no longer go to physical stores to make your purchases, you can therefore still do so online, helping to sustain the activity of many French producers.

The Producers' Shop: cold meats, honey, chocolates ...

Gourmet boxes and baskets, cold meats, preserves, condiments, honey and jams, chocolates, fresh products and drinks are notably available in the virtual aisles of the Producers' Shop.

You can find products for everyday consumption, but also original and quality gift ideas for the holidays.

Something to please and have fun with French products, while contributing to the growth of French companies: everyone is a winner!

Do not hesitate to discover the entire offer on Amazon.

  • Producers' shop - Aperitifs, cold cuts, preserves and jars

  • Producers' shop - Fresh products

  • Producers' shop - Foie gras and chutneys

  • Producers' shop - Chocolates and confectionery

  • Producers' shop - Honey and jams

  • Producers' shop - Drinks and cellar

  • Producers' shop - Oils, vinegars and condiments

  • Producers' shop - Gourmet boxes and baskets