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Biden humiliates Trump with announcement - CNN journalist wants to know details about his condition

11/5/2020, 9:32:48 PM

While Donald Trump is certain long before the official final result of the election victory, Joe Biden held back for a long time. Now he too is shooting against his competitor.

While Donald Trump is certain long before the official final result of the election victory, Joe Biden held back for a long time.

Now he too is shooting against his competitor.

  • There is still uncertainty about the outcome of the 2020 US election.

  • While Donald Trump is already claiming victory, Joe Biden has been holding back so far.

  • But now Trump's challenger duped the US president

    (update from November 4, 11:40 p.m.)


Update from November 5, 2:09 p.m

.: US President

Donald Trump

can be

sure of

the support of his second oldest son,

Eric Trump


during his latest



In hotly contested


(20 voters) he called on Wednesday in front of media representatives in


, the largest city in the state: "We will file a complaint in Pennsylvania."

His reason: Republican election workers allegedly had insufficient access to the counting of the

postal votes


This is reported by a correspondent for the

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)

who is on site.

“This is

rampant corruption


That can't happen, it's

not fair


This is not a


”, the article quotes him (behind the payment barrier).

Trump and the Republicans

filed lawsuits

in Pennsylvania and


that day


Among other things, they called for the further counting of votes

to be suspended




, they insisted on a



2020 US election live: CNN correspondent in live talk on Trump's mood

Update from November 5, 11:10 a.m

.: Although she keeps to herself who should be her source, she presents her information quite confidently:


policy correspondent

Dana Bash

now reported in the broadcaster's live talk that it was

US President Donald Trump is



well" in

view of the intermediate election result


Despite the public "showing off", Trump and his team would "wring their hands behind the scenes".

A person who was

“familiar with his thinking”

told her that he was “tired” and was beginning to understand that his lead was fading, according to Bash.

Trump's mood is deteriorating.

But this could change suddenly if it suddenly led to the count.

Biden humiliates Trump with announcement - US President rages on the phone

Update from November 5, 4.10 a.m.:

Donald Trump is

apparently already feeling massive pressure in

view of the current

interim results from the states



US president

instructed his team on Tuesday to initiate lawsuits, reports


- the current efforts are more an attempt to buy time.

Trump, meanwhile, spent Wednesday making

"angry" phone calls with Republican governors

, it said.

Specifically, the heads of government of the states of Arizona, Georgia and Florida are named - in all three states the results are narrow.

It is now clear when there will be

new numbers for the race between Trump and Biden


Reliable data should be reported



between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. Central European time.


Nevada there

will be no new results until Thursday evening German time.

(The latest results for the key states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Nevada)


Joe Biden appeared in front of the press on Wednesday - and was confident of victory.

© Jim Watson / AFP

US election 2020: Trump against Biden in the live ticker - Democrat humiliates President with announcement

Update from November 5th, 3.18 a.m.: It

now seems clear that

Donald Trump will

no longer appear in front of the cameras on Wednesday (local time).


Joe Biden

, the US president did not do that in the evening - and according to


information that will not change either.

At the same time, the broadcaster

claims to have learned

from the

White House

that Trump was “down” in view of the current interim results.



has announced

further plans for a presidency on Twitter: On the first day of his aegis, he wanted

to reverse

the United States' withdrawal from the

Paris climate protection agreement

, he said.

The withdrawal decided by Trump only took effect today.

Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement.

And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it.

- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 5, 2020

US election: Trump confidante chats - President apparently does not believe in his own strategy

Update from November 5, 2.35 a.m.:


Donald Trump



in the possible success of his

lawsuits against counts

in several states?

The broadcaster CNN claims to have learned from the environment of the US President that Trump gave a "less than enthusiastic" assessment of the strategy of his lawyers.

Nevertheless, Trump continues to believe in election victories in the important states of

Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona

, said the report on the TV channel's website.

2020 US election: Trump continues to sow doubts about the result - new lawsuit in Georgia

Update from November 5, 2:00 a.m.:

Donald Trump continues to try

to see

doubts about the legitimacy of the election result

- and lets confidants proclaim his election victory.


Eric Trump


spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany

and legal counsel

Rudy Giuliani

announced in the evening that Trump had won the embattled

state of Pennsylvania


In fact, counting continues there.

In the course of the last few hours, the deficit of the Democrat Joe Biden has melted noticeably, the outcome is still unclear.



as in Pennsylvania, Trump wants to

legally enforce a count


In Detroit, Michigan, against this backdrop, there was a riot outside a counting point in a large conference center on Wednesday.

Trump shared a report from the far-right


on the incident on



According to a


report, the Trump camp has now also

filed a lawsuit in the state of Georgia


A witness observed how late ballot papers were placed on a pile with votes cast in time.

In Georgia, too, the outcome of the election is still unclear.

Trump's strategy, however, brings him criticism from loyal supporters - even representatives of his house broadcaster Fox News are now dropping the US president.

Biden duped Trump in a live speech: US President counters with scandal allegations - and proclaims another "victory"

Update from November 4, 11:40 p.m.:

Joe Biden

has just

indirectly declared


the winner

, without making any official claims to the election victory (see previous update) -

Donald Trump



The US president said in a tweet that his team was not claiming

victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina

- but now also in



However, Trump inserts a “if”: His statement with a view to Michigan applies if there is actually “a large number of secretly disposed of ballot boxes”, as “widely reported”.

We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won't allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead.

Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact, .....

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020


again issued a

warning to

Trump's posting


In fact, a winner is only declared in one of the states mentioned - in Michigan, several US broadcasters see Joe Biden as the winner.

In Georgia and North Carolina, the count is still ongoing and Trump is in the lead.

A largely open race is running in Pennsylvania.

The accusation of discarded ballot papers has so far come without any evidence.

US election 2020 in the live ticker: Biden assumes victory


Joe Biden speaks to his supporters alongside his wife Jill.

© Andrew Harnik / AP / dpa

Update from November 4th, 10/22:

Now the time has come,

Joe Biden

finally appears in front of the press.

Donald Trump's challenger surprises with his message right at the beginning of the press conference.

Joe Biden expects his election victory.

He emphasized that he did not want to officially claim the victory for himself.

But his team thinks he won the vote.


Due to a translation error, we initially reported at this point that Joe Biden had officially declared himself the election winner.

The editors apologize.

He received more votes in the

United States

than any

US president


"Then we will leave the mud fight behind us," Biden predicts for the time after the US election.

“Nobody will take our democracy away from us,” he emphasizes.

Biden said he campaigned as a Democrat.

"But I will rule as American president," he added.

Biden speaks to the press for just under five minutes, then the appearance of Donald Trump's challenger is over again.

Update from November 4th, 9:50 p.m.:

His appearance could make the

US election

even more explosive, but so far challenger Joe Biden is still a long time coming.

Meanwhile, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in



election observer mission sharply criticized the allegations of

election fraud made


US President Donald Trump


"Unfounded allegations of systematic deficits, especially by the incumbent president," undermined the "public confidence in democratic institutions," the observer mission said in


on Wednesday


Many would see such statements "increase the potential for politically motivated violence after the election".

US election 2020: what will Joe Biden announce now?

Update from November 4, 9:23 p.m.: The

media and viewers have been waiting for Joe Biden's TV appearance for more than two hours.

But why does the press conference

of Donald Trump's challenger


to be delayed further?

After the incumbent US president has threatened and already filed the first lawsuits, Joe Biden's campaign team could

discuss the tactical approach

before the

TV appearance


Update from November 4th, 9:18 pm:

What exactly does Joe Biden want to

talk about

at the

press conference


Shortly before, his election campaign team only announced that it would now collect money on the Internet for the expected legal battle over the outcome of the presidential election.

Update from November 4th, 9.10 p.m.:

Only a few more minutes, then Joe Biden actually appears in front of the cameras.

What exactly the challenger of Donald Trump wants to announce is not yet known.

2020 US election: Trump shocked with fraud allegations - Biden hangs him and speaks live NOW

First report from November 4, 8:00 p.m .:

Washington - The

US presidential election *

threatens to end in a scandal.


incumbent Donald Trump *




that he wanted the country's Supreme Court to stop another count of votes,

Joe Biden was




wants to fight for victory until the last votes are counted.

US election 2020: Donald Trump shocked with fraud allegations - Joe Biden is now in front of the press

"We will not rest until all votes are counted," wrote Biden on

Wednesday morning

(local time) on the

online service Twitter


While Biden had largely withdrawn from the public on this election day, Trump appeared in public after just a few hours.

His appearance, described by

Biden's campaign team

as "scandalous" and "unprecedented", should go down in history by now.

On Wednesday noon (local time)

challenger Joe Biden


a statement himself.

However, it is not yet known exactly when Biden will appear before the press.

The US police had 



in this presidential election - and in fact the mood is 

“significantly rougher”

 than in the election four years ago.

List of rubric lists: © Alex Brandon / AP / dpa

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