The Limited Times

Corona in Bavaria: police end birthday party in stretch limousine

11/5/2020, 4:33:04 PM

A man from Bavaria wanted to celebrate his birthday with guests despite Corona and rented a limousine with a driver. But the police noticed the car.

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Stretch limousine (symbol image)

Photo: MANUEL GEISSER / imago images / Geisser

According to the police, three men and a woman had a birthday party in a stretch limousine and thus violated the corona rules.

But officials from the Upper Franconian district of Kulmbach stepped in and ended the celebration.

In order to be able to celebrate his birthday undisturbed, one of the men had rented the limousine and driver on Wednesday.

A patrol noticed the long car in the community of Himmelkron in the evening.

When checking the car, the officials also found a few grams of drugs.

Both the four celebrants and the driver received reports of violations of the Corona regulation.

Events of all kinds are prohibited in Bavaria, and only people from two households are allowed to meet.

The officers are also investigating the woman for drug possession.

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kha / AFP