The Limited Times

Covid: 34,500 cases, 445 deaths. Buffer ratio over 10%

11/5/2020, 10:14:35 PM

The Director of Prevention: 'Buffer ratio over 10%'. Explaining the indicators that led to the ordinance on the Regions divided into three colors: 'Rt in Campania under Lombardy and Calabria'. ISS president Brusaferro: 'The path is shared with the governors. Risk analysis looks at the trend does not give the marks' (ANSA)


The update on today's data is not good, with 34,500 cases


it is not a good sign

also because the percentage of positive swabs exceeds 10%. There are also 445 deaths. About 220 thousand swabs, 99 in intensive care . In recent days the situation seemed to have stabilized even taking into account the daily variability but today's data tells us that it seems that globally the virus is still running and it is necessary to stop it ".

This was stated by the Prevention Director

Gianni Rezza

at the press conference of the Ministry of Health.

2,391 patients are admitted to intensive care, 99 more than Wednesday.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, 472,348 are currently positive (+29,113 compared to Wednesday).

Of these 23,256 are hospitalized in the ordinary wards (+1,140) and 446,701 in home isolation, with an increase of 27,874 in the last 24 hours.

Finally, the discharged and healed are a total of 312,339, 4,961 more than Wednesday.


You work on indicators such as incidence, Rt, occupation beds

if there is a region with seemingly few cases, and has high employment intensive therapy, that is a region suffering. These figures should be read in their entirety.

These figures do reference to incidence, RT and resilience

", Rezza affirmed, underlining that after 14 days there could be a descalation for the regions, just as if in the next control room there were different situations, other regions could become red.

Furthermore, the system is not so rigid and there is the possibility of making red zones even in a region that is not red.


With the control room the dialogue is constant

and all the Regions are represented within it. It is a technical structure that has representatives indicated by the Conference of Regions".

This is what the Prevention Director of the Health Department Gianni Rezza said at the press conference at the ministry.

"I thank all the colleagues of the Regions - he added - and the others for their constant, close and daily collaboration".

The transmissibility index Rt "

in Campania is lower than that of Lombardy or Calabria

. This means that the much increased transmission in recent weeks has stabilized even though the number of cases is high," Rezza said.

"There are Regions such as Umbria or the Autonomous Province of Bolzano which today mark more than 700 positives which, on the population, is a rather large and high number".

The criticality for Calabria arises from rt raised to 1.84

, this means that even if at this moment there is not a particularly high number of cases, Rt leads us to think that there is an increase in transmission in progress and therefore there it could be critical in the number of cases in the near future.

In addition, there could be more than 50% employment in intensive care. "Rezza said that for these reasons Calabria is in the red zone." There is now no excess of cases but there is a trend towards criticality, but in 2 weeks the situation can be restored ", he added.

" Today we are in a transition phase in which there are regrowths and we need to intervene to bring the curve back to a more controlled phase ". This was stated by ISS president

Silvio Brusaferro

in the press conference at the Ministry of Health to illustrate the indicators that led to yesterday's ordinance by Minister Roberto Speranza relating to the Regions.

"The update of the new data will take place in the next few hours. The path is shared and involves the regions, the CTS, the ministry", explained Brusaferro. "I would

exclude the fraud of the regions" in the face of the fact that the data are not complete

. "There has been a large increase in cases in the last few weeks with rapid growth and this is putting the system into trouble. The heavy workload can lead to delays."


Risk analysis looks at the trend is not a tool that gives votes and is not an evaluation

" on the Region or Province but it is a tool "to understand where we are, how the situation is evolving and where we are going. It is a process automatic with very defined strict rules ", explained the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

With 41544 swabs performed, the number of new positives recorded in Lombardy is 8822

(percentage of 21.2), where yesterday there were 139 deaths, for a total of 17,987 deaths. The number of people admitted to intensive care rose 522 (+15), in the other wards to 5,318 (+300). As regards the Provinces, 3,654 cases were reported in Milan, of which 1,367 in the city; 973 in Varese, 898 in Monza, 703 in Brescia, 615 in Como, 578 in Pavia, 252 in Bergamo, 231 in Mantua, 197 in Cremona, 189 in Lecco, 173 in Lodi and 115 in Sondrio.