The Limited Times

Curfew at 10 p.m. in Paris: "C'est la cata" for night-time grocery stores

11/5/2020, 9:38:40 PM

A decree prohibits the delivery and sale of alcohol between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., from Friday in Paris. A way to avoid the

The mayor of Paris and the Prefect of police hardened their tone.

From this Friday, the "activities of deliveries and take-away sales of all products prepared by restaurants and drinking establishments and floating establishments (barges) will be prohibited from 10 pm to 6 am", in Paris.

The establishments concerned will therefore have to close their doors.

In addition, the sale of alcohol in grocery stores or mini markets, and its consumption on public roads, are also prohibited from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., still in Paris.

The decree was published this Thursday and will be operational from this Friday 10 p.m.

It aims to slow the spread of Covid-19 by restricting activities likely to "promote gatherings on the public highway or in the private sphere".

But at the Panier sympa, avenue Félix-Faure (15th century), the measure was received very coldly on Thursday.

It must be said that in this mini-market, there is more alcohol than leeks or liters of milk.

Two entire walls are full of bottles, beer packs, cans, mignonnettes ...

Couriers also suffer

“Everything here is based on alcohol!

Whiskey, vodka, wine, beer ”, confirms Nadir *, the young salaried salesman, bluntly.

And my turnover, I do it in the evening ”.

So, with this ban on sales after 10 pm, he adds, “the boss just has to shut down.

And me unemployed.

It's chaos ".

Other victims targeted by the decree and who will suffer, because they are the ones who run the grocery store: the couriers.

At the checkout, Nadir uses two terminals Deliveroo and Uber.


he said, pointing to the screen of his small terminal.

This is an order for tonight.

The courier will come and get her.

It's 76 euros of alcohol with a little chocolate ”.


"No need to zigzag on a scooter between the vehicles": the delivery men, alone in the Parisian night ...

“Bah, this decision is silly, considers this client under his hood and his mask.

This grocery store downstairs is very practical.


Local residents happy with the life that stops below their homes

On this artery of the 15th arrondissement, close to the Boucicaut metro, the news of the decree does not however only make people unhappy… “We will be able to sleep!

savors Jérôme *, a local resident.

Every evening, there are gatherings, it lasts until two or three in the morning.

It's an incessant ballet of couriers who do not even turn off the engine of their scooter or moped to take their orders and who make them backfire under our windows when leaving.

Customers hang out in clusters and talk loudly, drink, smoke.

To see them, we think that the Covid does not exist!


“Me,” continues this local resident, “I had to change my son's room.

We're above the grocery store.

Some people smoke hash, it goes up through the windows.

My kid took it all!


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Last May, the residents of the trustees of three buildings had cracked a petition in which they denounced "the particularly important hourly amplitude from 8 am to 2 am" of the opening of the neighborhood grocery store.

The petition was sent to the mayor (LR) of the 15th century, Philippe Goujon.

The residents demanded to put in place means to "enforce their tranquility".

Philippe Goujon had seized the prefect and the police station.

With this decree, residents are answered.

"Traders who do not play the game penalize others"

A little further in the district, change of atmosphere.

At the “Cave des Entrepreneurs”, at 41, rue des Entrepreneurs (15th arrondissement), Franck, the boss, considered in the neighborhood as a “virtuous trader” in the Covid crisis (“signage in my shop, three customers maximum”, he supports), is not really affected by the new ban since it closes its doors before 9 p.m.

But he regrets that "some traders who do not play the game penalize others".

"And that we still come to a new decree".

The wine merchant, Burgundian, lover of Languedoc wines, who considers himself "happy to be always open", points to "the mismanagement of the government of the Covid crisis, their carelessness which means that today, we come to it there ”, and“ the absurdity of these decisions which kill the small business ”.

A few meters from the grocery store, the new order of the prefect of police also hit Bastien Lapourielle.

This owner of the gourmet restaurant L'épopée, at 89, avenue Emile-Zola (15th arrondissement), crowned youngest chef in the Michelin guide in 2008, which offered take-away meals until midnight, will have to stop his activity earlier because of the decree.

“Uber Eats should have regulated its delivery people to avoid crowds at the bottom of restaurants,” he said.

Bastien Lapourielle fears other decrees and in the end, “the total disappearance of deliveries”.

Moreover, at l'Epopée, the chef is so “head under water” financially “with this Covid and these decrees which change every three days, that so as not to sink with just take-out meals and publicize my restaurant, I now do parcel relay, at the rate of 300 parcels per day ”.

* The first names have been changed.


Yerres: the mayor authorizes the opening of shops, the police intervene