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Current status of the US election 2020: lead in Georgia wobbles - authorities issue schedule

11/5/2020, 4:27:15 PM

Here you can find the current status of the duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the US election in 2020. We show who has the most electors behind them.

Here you can find the current status of the duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the US election in 2020. We show who has the most electors behind them.

  • One day after the

    presidential election,

    there is still no definitive answer to the question of who won in the US.

  • With us you can



    current status of


    US election 2020


  • We are following the current count of the 2020 presidential election * in the states for you.

Update November 5, 14:32:

"We are now able to finish tomorrow," said Richard Barron, Director of Registration in the state of


the transmitter



He announced an update on the US election count in Fulton County at 11 a.m. local time.

In Germany it will be 5 p.m.

10,000 to 11,000 ballot papers are still missing before a result is available.

The state is said to be missing a total of 50,000 votes.

In Georgia, Donald Trump had a narrow lead that had recently narrowed.

Around 4.30 p.m. German time, there should be an official statement on the current state of the state.



, according to


, 140,000 election letters are still to be counted in the city of Philadelphia alone.

The attention is directed, among other things, to the larger cities, because the Democrats hope to get enough votes there to safely bring the state to Joe Biden's side.

Current state of the US election 2020: advantage in Georgia is shrinking

Update from November 5, 12:16 p.m.:

According to



Donald Trump's lead in Georgia is shrinking


It seems possible that the state will tip over at the last moment - but it would be a surprise after Trump's leadership so far.

Even a triumph in this state would not be an

election victory

for Biden.

According to the current state of the US election, the Democrat would still be missing one more vote for his majority, even with the 16 electors from Georgia.

Update from November 5, 11.55 a.m.:

There are still six states in which the

election result is


Most US media have not yet announced a winner based on the current projections for the 2020 US election.

According to the current status, the result is still open in:

  • Alaska

  • Arizona

  • Georgia

  • Nevada

  • North Carolina

  • Pennsylvania

Current status of the US election 2020: Partly a few thousand votes difference

Update from November 5, 10:35 a.m.:

In a few hours there could be new and decisive numbers for the race for the White House.

First of all, there was an update in the morning about what is still waiting for work today.

According to information from

CNN, this is

the current state of the US election count.


Arizona *

Biden is still ahead.

Trump would have to get at least 56 percent of the votes or even more on the remaining 450,000 ballots.

Then he could


Biden's eleven




on the other hand is a largely a largely safe thing for the incumbent president.

90,000 votes are still missing.

Biden would have to get more than 60 percent of the votes.

But that is almost impossible in a state that has had

Republican majorities

since the 1990s



Nevada *

200,000 votes are still missing until the final result.

Trump leads with around 7,500 votes, which is why the current status can still develop in any direction.

Until the next states announce a result, Joe Biden is currently still leading in the 2020 US election with 253 voters ahead of Donald Trump (213).

The majority to win is 270.

US election 2020 current: The status in the early morning German time

Update from November 5, 4.30 a.m.:

There are current interim results

from several of the important remaining

swing states in the USA

- but no decisions have been made on election night.

Joe Biden is


catching up






In Arizona the situation is reversed: According to the latest interim results, Biden's lead over Trump has melted from almost 200,000 votes to just under 80,000.

The reason for the developments is not least of all postal voters, whose preferences differ from those who vote in the polling stations.

In Georgia,

a decision is due to be


in the next

four to six hours


However, Trump's team has meanwhile also initiated a lawsuit in this state.

Update from November 4, 9.48 p.m.:

After the US presidential election, incumbent Donald Trump went to court in the embattled state of


to stop the counting of votes.

Trump's campaign team announced on Wednesday that they wanted to suspend the count by filing a lawsuit.

The campaign team spoke of a lack of “transparency” in the polling stations.

US election 2020: Seven states according to the current status still without a result

Update from November 4th, 9:21 pm:

Joe Biden is now slightly in the lead, but the results from several states are still missing.

In the United States, the eyes are drawn to

Alaska, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina


Until the electors are distributed here, there is also no winner.

The gap between Trump and Biden is too close for that.

Update from November 4, 8:55 p.m.:

Donald Trump's team has not only announced legal means for Wisconsin to initiate a recount.


is now said to be a lawsuit



to stop the count until there is greater access to polling stations to review the election.

Some of the votes should also be counted anew, demand the Republicans with the complaint.

Current status of the US election 2020: Biden brings large state of Wisconsin

Update from November 4, 8:08 p.m.:

Wisconsin is


and just goes to Joe Biden.

However, it is uncertain whether the result will last in this important swing state.

Donald Trump's campaign team had already announced that it would


a recount in



Update from November 4, 7:51 p.m.:



, all four electoral votes have now been given.

In this state, not all electors have to go to just one candidate.

According to the current state of the count, Biden receives three electors and Trump one.

Current state of the 2020 US election: who is ahead?

Wisconsin is threatened with a recount

Update from November 4, 7:05 p.m.:



, only a few votes are still missing for a result.

As things stand, the entire electoral process in the state with ten electors is expected to be further delayed.

Donald Trump's campaign team wants to





The reason for this are "irregularities" that cast doubt on the results, wrote campaign manager Bill Stepien in a statement

Update from November 4, 6:20 p.m.:

In the US state of Georgia, the race remains so close that the winner is still completely open.

According to official information from Georgia *, around 250,000 ballot papers remain to be counted.

This number contradicts statements by Donald Trump, who announced on election night that the state was only missing 107,000 ballots from the count.

You can find a lot more news from the USA in our current live ticker for the 2020 US election.

Current status in Michigan: Biden again with a narrow lead

Update from November 4, 3:10 p.m.:

According to calculations by CNN, Biden has now


Trump in the state of



In the swing state, 90 percent of the votes have been counted so far.

Biden is currently in Michigan with 49.3 percent wafer-thinly ahead of Trump (49.1 percent.)

Current status of the 2020 US election: Biden just overtakes Trump in Wisconson

Update from November 4, 2:20 p.m.:

Important states are still





where 97 percent of all votes are counted, Joe Biden is now just ahead of Donald Trump.

According to "Edison Research", the Democrat in the important swing state has 49.5 percent and the incumbent US President Trump 48.8 percent.



, the latest status of the count will not be updated until November 5, starting at 9:00 a.m. (6:00 p.m. CET).

This was announced by the local electoral authority.

Trump and Biden are currently in a head-to-head race there.

Current status of the US election 2020: Close race in the states that have not yet been counted

Update from November 4, 1:02 p.m .:


seven or eight states

(depending on whether Arizona is included or not yet)

are missing with an allocation



Nevada, Alaska, Wisconsin, Michigan.

Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia


It is extremely scarce in most states.

But with 20 electors in Pennsylvania, 16 in Michigan, and 16 in Georgia, that could turn things around.

Update from November 4, 10:26 a.m.: There

are still many important voices missing to assess the outcome.

Trump is currently still ahead in Wisconsin and Michigan.

However, very many votes in two important “counties” have not yet been counted.

Milwaukee County in Wisconsin and Wayne County in Michigan

, the two regions with their respective capitals Milwaukee and Detroit.

It is precisely these that could once again have a considerable influence on who will ultimately secure the states.

Current status of the US election 2020: Close race - Trump leads in many states that have not yet been fully counted

Update from November 4, 8:33 a.m.:

Joe Biden is currently ahead, but if you look at the other states, it looks very different.

Trump is in the lead


Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia


In Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina in particular, 51 electors would fall on Trump.

With that he would almost be there.

Wisconsin and Michigan would bring him another 26 electors.

He'd be through with that.

At the current time, the trend looks like it, albeit very tight.

But not all votes have been counted yet, especially postal votes.

For example, according to CNN, Pennsylvania is still 1.4 million votes missing.

Update from November 4, 7:37 a.m.:

Minnesota and Rhode Island go to the Democrats

with 53.3 percent and 59.2 percent.

But what did the results look like in 2016?

You can see that in our graphic.

Update from November 4, 6:40 a.m.:


now seems to finally go to



With this, the Republicans secure a very important swing state with 29 electors.




, Trump is

ahead of Joe Biden with

53.4 percent

with 44.8 percent.

Current state of the US election 2020: Texas goes back to the Republicans

Update from November 4, 6:17 a.m.:

Trump was able

to secure the very important state of Texas for



, as well as



The tide seems to be turning slightly towards Trump in the presidential election.

Many votes in large states like Wisconsin have not yet been counted because many citizens have voted by postal vote.

These have not yet been counted.

It remains exciting.

Update from November 4th, 4.48 a.m.:

There are

still no signs of a result

in the



In many

swing states

, where many electors are distributed, there are still no official results.

In the end, the majorities will be tight in many countries.

A slight


that Joe Biden currently has could quickly turn into the opposite with the counting of some Swing States.

Update from November 4, 3:53 a.m.:

In addition to the decision between Trump and Biden, other directional decisions are on the agenda in the USA.

In the congressional election, the Democrats are expected to regain a majority in the House of Representatives.

Update from November 4, 3:27 a.m.:

Both candidates have




for themselves.

Neither Trump nor Biden was able to stand out from the competition.


is not yet any great difference in

the number of


, both of whom are now certain.

For Donald Trump, a lot will likely depend on whether he can actually claim a narrow victory in Florida.

Update from November 4th, 2.51 a.m.:

The race in the state of Arkansas is now decided.

Donald Trump won there and secured six more voters.

Current status of the US election 2020: The result has been decided in these states

Update from November 4, 2:20 a.m.:

According to the news agencies AP and dpa, Joe Biden currently has a little more electorate behind him than Donald Trump.

Accordingly, the following states have so far been decided for one of the candidates in the US election.

Joe Biden:

Virginia, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island and the federal capital Washington DC

Donald Trump:

Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi

Update from November 4, 2:00 a.m.:

The current status of the 2020 US election is still far from an end result.

Joe Biden

wins in Virginia and Vermont and has

16 voters


Donald Trump

wins in Kentucky and West Virginia, bringing in

13 voters

, of which the election winner needs 270 in the end.

Update from November 4th, 1:41 am:

Will Kentucky still go to Joe Biden?

The state was initially seen as a sure victory for Trump, but now its Democratic challenger may be ahead, as newer figures from the count show.

A safe bank for Trump, however, is the state of West Virginia, whose electorate is now safely attributed to him.

Current status of the 2020 US election: Trump with early success - but Biden also gets a small victory

Update from November 4, 1:14 a.m.:

In Kentucky and Indiana, the first constituencies have now been counted.

The broadcaster CNN sees incumbent Trump in the lead in these states.

According to the current status, he should get his first victories there on election night.

Biden, on the other hand, is said to have won the small state of Vermont, according to current forecasts.

Update from November 4, 0.58 a.m.:

In a few hours it will be clear whether Donald Trump will reach a second term as US President.

In the event that he succeeds in re-election, he should already have concrete plans.

There is talk of a list of commands that Trump already has in his drawer *.

Update from November 4th, 12:32 a.m.:

The decision in the first states is getting closer.

You can also see the exact course in advance in the schedule for US election night *.

As things stand, it will take less than half an hour for the first states to start counting votes completely.

Current status of the 2020 US election: The first polling stations have closed

Update from November 4th, 0.01 a.m.:

Nothing works in the first states: some of the polling stations are closed.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden can therefore hope for the first current status of a count soon.

Update from November 3, 11:32 p.m.:

Nobody dares to say who will be ahead in the end.

But before the polling stations of the first two states close at midnight, the current status of the polls is:


probably has significantly more


than Trump.

But even if you also include the states in which Biden has the better chance of a majority, the US Democratic candidate does not yet come close to the decisive limit of 270 electors.

Current state of the 2020 US election: counting delays expected

Update from November 3, 6.45 p.m.:

Due to the unusually

high number of postal voters

and the associated

longer counting, it

is still unclear whether the winner of the 2020 US election will be determined on election night.


Donald Trump



into a second term or will

Joe Biden

* become the 46th President of the United States of America?

First results from the states are expected on Wednesday morning, as the last polling stations do not close until 7 a.m.CET.

Update from November 3, 1:35 p.m.:

There are currently no concrete projections, but according to

the University of Florida Early Elections Project


98.4 million votes

have already been


That's about 40 percent of eligible US citizens.

Because of Corona, many chose postal voting.

Two villages in

New Hampshire

* have already been counted as only five and 21 votes respectively were to be counted.

All five of

Dixville Notch's


went to Joe Biden.



, Trump received 16 votes and Biden again received five votes.

Current status of the US election 2020 in the news ticker - who is in the lead in the counting?

First report from November 3rd:

Munich / Washington, DC - The

current status of


2020 US election

may change continuously.

A preliminary decision can also be made with the results of individual states.

All the news about projections, forecasts and interim results as well as the emotions and reactions of the candidates can be found here in the news ticker.

We are not only looking at the

presidential election

, but also at this year's

congressional elections


Current status: Constantly new numbers for the US election 2020

Similar to the elections in Germany, the

US is also working

with projections and


: The

current data

on the 2020 presidential election provide national and international information on what the current status of the 2020 US election will look like on election night.



for the 2020 US election deal, among other things, with the question of which of the two prominent candidates (Joe Biden or Donald Trump) is currently in the running and what the

interim results

look like before and on election night (November 3, CET).

This is how Super Election Day 2020 will run in the USA - current developments until tomorrow

Between five and nine a.m. the following day (November 4th, CET), the media

will announce

who has won the

2020 presidential election


The outcome of the election will not be officially recorded until December.


inauguration of the President

will follow in January 2021


However, only if it is not a matter of re-election.

The political future of the country and the life of every single American will be

massively influenced

by the

November 3rd

Super Election Day


We inform you in the ticker about the

current status of


US election 2020


This affects not only the next US President * and his deputy, but also the congressional elections.

News and updates on the 2020 presidential election - emotions and reactions of the candidates


Joe Biden

* was


focusing on his election campaign and trying to convince as many voters as possible of his arguments and his plans,

Donald Trump

* was


a different strategy.

Even before election day on November 3, he announced that he

would take appropriate measures if the

2020 US election was lost

or a narrow victory.

This could not only






, but also further strain international relations.

Current information on the 2020 congressional elections - not only the president is important

As already mentioned, on

US Super Election Day 2020

, the Americans will elect the

President and Vice President as well as the Congress.

In doing so, they completely re-elect the House of Representatives * and occupy a third of the seats in the Senate *.


current status

from election night includes more than just the presidential election.



and the

House of Representatives

together form the Congress - in the United States of America this stands for the legislative power (legislature).

Although the US President and the US Vice President * together form the executive power, their projects can be





(jey) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Evan Vucci / dpa

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