The Limited Times

Edeka boss criticizes Tafel: Supermarket donates "five boxes" a week - but helpers leave a lot behind

11/5/2020, 11:59:46 AM

Edeka operator Klaus Heininger has found that some of his food donations are left behind. The board gives several reasons for their behavior.

Edeka operator Klaus Heininger has found that some of his food donations are left behind.

The board gives several reasons for their behavior.


- Klaus Heininger would like to help.

That is why the managing director of the Edeka branches in Waldram and on Breslauer Weg in Geretsried makes unsold groceries available for the table on time for the weekly pick-up date.

“Four or five boxes” are every time.

What worries Heininger: "Usually two or three of them just stop."

Edeka boss criticizes Tafel: a lot "I have to throw away a lot in the end"

Some foods are



by the



“Especially fresh goods and salads, which I would have liked to give to those in need, I have to throw away in the end,” reports the retailer.


Tafel employees

also left


that could still be eaten without any problems.

And chilled goods such as yoghurt that are two days past the best-before date "I almost never put them out because they would stay there anyway," he says.

This is incomprehensible to Heininger.

“In my private life, I sometimes eat yoghurts that are three weeks past their best before date.

Nothing is missing from them. "

The businessman is of the opinion: “The customers of the Tafel would definitely be happy about it, and I would like to provide this food.” He could even sell these refrigerated goods and earn money with them, but then at his own risk.

"The manufacturer's liability only applies up to the minimum date, after which I am responsible."


Klaus Heininger runs the Edeka in Waldram.

© private

However, Heininger has decided not to offer such goods to its customers at Edeka.

"I would rather put it at the table and help people who may not be able to afford some foods".

But when he sees how much ends up in the garbage can, "that annoys me a lot".

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For Claudia Brenner, press spokeswoman and vice-head of the Geretsrieder-Wolfratshauser Tafel, “a delicate subject”.

The food bank and its volunteers would have to adhere to some health and hygiene regulations.

For salads and fresh goods such as fruit and vegetables, the stipulation applies to only take away from the retailers as much “as we can actually pass on to our customers”.

If in individual cases - such as at Heininger's Edeka branches - this food is left standing, "then our helpers at the previous stations have already received enough of it".

Also read: Waldramer Edeka is well received

Expired refrigerated goods, such as the yoghurts mentioned by Heininger, may be taken away by the Tafel employees.

The only exception is for meat and fish: "When the best-before date for these goods has been reached, we have to leave them standing because of hygiene and health requirements." Volunteers who drive from market to market.

"When in doubt, colleagues prefer to leave something behind than give our customers potentially spoiled food," explains Brenner.

Heininger is not entirely satisfied with this information.

He understands that there are certain requirements for food distribution.

However, he is not happy with it: “The public regularly criticizes how many goods the trade throws away.

But if I want to help, it will be filtered out. ”Because he is not allowed to give away the groceries to Edeka customers, he has decided to give the goods that have not been picked up to his employees.

“I can do something good with it - and less food ends up in the garbage can.”

Dominik Stallein


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