The Limited Times

From refreshments: Fipe, dramatic situation, loss of 26 billion

11/5/2020, 5:29:41 PM

"The situation is dramatic, the sector is facing the worst crisis since the second post-war period, a crisis that will have structural consequences on the business system that we have the honor to represent", and 2020 "will close with a cumulative loss equal to ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOVEMBER 05 - "The situation is dramatic, the sector is facing the worst crisis since the second post war, a crisis that will have structural consequences on the business system we have the honor of representing", and 2020 "will close with a cumulative loss of 26 billion euros which corresponds to 27% of the total for the sector ". This was stated by the representative of FIPE (Italian Federation of Public Exercises), heard today in the Senate on the refreshment decree. The Dpcm which enters into force tomorrow, "from an initial assessment, will result in further losses of at least 1.6 billion euros in November alone, with the suspension of the activity of at least 90,000 companies and over 300,000 workers forcibly retired" (ANSA) .