The Limited Times

Government: Zingaretti, good leadership, commitment to unity

11/5/2020, 9:23:47 PM

Zingaretti, there is a leap in quality. Crimi, profitable summit, forward until 2023. Renzi, if they are roses they will bloom (ANSA)

"It was a good and useful opportunity to make the commitment to work together and focus on the Covid emergency".

The secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti says this at the end of the majority summit.

"I think there is a positive qualitative leap," he adds. 

"It was a fruitful meeting to consolidate the government, forward until 2023".

M5S political leader Vito Crimi says this at the end of the majority summit.

"Today we have taken a step forward, establishing the stages of a political and programmatic work that will lead us by the end of the month to understand if there are the conditions for a legislative pact". Matteo Renzi says so, who comes out satisfied from the majority meeting at Palazzo Chigi. "It is good that the request for a political table has been accepted by Conte and that there is a strong harmony especially with the Democratic Party of Zingaretti. Now let's get to work: if they are roses they will bloom".