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Negotiations with Lebanon: Large gaps between the parties | Israel Today

11/5/2020, 9:35:35 PM

| Political-politicalMinister Steinitz rejected an outline that bites a large area of ​​Lebanon's economic waters • However, when Lebanon tried to gain an Israeli territory, Israel demanded part of its territory The disputed area in negotiations with Lebanon Significant difficulties in talks between Israel and Lebanon, after both sides raised provocative and extremist proposals compared to the opening positions. 

Minister Steinitz rejected an outline that bites a large area of ​​Lebanon's economic waters • However, when Lebanon tried to gain an Israeli territory, Israel demanded part of its territory

  • The disputed area in negotiations with Lebanon

Significant difficulties in talks between Israel and Lebanon, after both sides raised provocative and extremist proposals compared to the opening positions. 

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As reported in "Israel Today", in the last round of talks, Lebanon presented a more southern border line than the one it deposited in the UN in 2010 (on the map: the Green Line); ". 

On the Israeli side, they prepared in advance for the Lebanese provocation to accept territory in which Israel has been active for a decade.

The heads of the Israeli delegation replied to the Lebanese that "Minister Steinitz would have authorized our power to negotiate only on the area north of the Green Line and not beyond it."

In addition, after the Lebanese presented their position to receive territory they never demanded, the Israeli side presented its own line that was first revealed here.

This border line (on the map: the black line), north of the one Israel entrusted to the UN in 2010 (on the map: the blue line). The Israelis presented legal justifications that justify the Israeli claim to the extended area. The negotiations only on the triangle that was known in advance as controversial.

However, the Israelis clarified that if Lebanon presents extreme positions, Israel can do the same.

Israel Today has learned that in the preliminary discussions held in Israel ahead of the second round of talks, Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz was presented with two possible boundary lines, which would constitute a provocation to that of the Lebanese.

One option is the black line, which Steinitz chose to present a more moderate position.

The second option, called azimuth 310 (the red line), bites even larger areas into Lebanon's economic waters. 

"Appropriate justifications can also be found for line 310," said a senior member of the Israeli team who is knowledgeable about the details, "however, the energy minister instructed the delegation to present the more moderate line."

In any case, the senior official stressed that only if both sides adopt a pragmatic approach will it be possible to move forward in resolving the dispute, and that Israel will not discuss any border south of the Green Line presented by Lebanon to the UN in 2010.