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US presidential election: how far can Donald Trump go?

11/5/2020, 9:02:35 PM

The outgoing president intends to fight until the end to contest the probable victory of his Democratic opponent. A battle on the pla

To know the mood of Donald Trump, follow his Twitter account, his favorite weapon.

This Thursday morning, 48 hours after an election which still has not chosen its winner, the outgoing president's message was clear: “STOP THE COUNT!

", Or" Stop the counting!


This petition, or rather this order, from a Head of State supposed to be the guarantor of the proper functioning of democracy, while wanting to undermine one of its pillars, a free election, is in itself astonishing .

Even taking into account the excesses to which he has accustomed his compatriots, the approach says a lot about Donald Trump's state of mind.

The match, which started well for him on Tuesday night, is certainly not over.

States like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia only counted between 85 and 95% of the ballots this Thursday, with very tight gaps, maintaining the suspense.

But Trump is already appearing as a sore loser, a belligerent candidate ready to do anything to keep the White House.

His tactics?

"Launch a massive legal process to challenge all the frauds, to which the Democratic camp engages in all the states", assures Stephen, a close friend of the Trump campaign, in Washington.


Decredit in advance a ballot in which the Democratic candidate Joe Biden could emerge victorious… and therefore undermine the legitimacy of the future president, if the current trend in the ballot box, as and when the counting in the last “Swing states” is confirmed.

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York, coordinates operations

Faced with danger, the president brings his family to the front.

"We are trying to steal this election", thunders from Philadelphia, epicenter of all tensions, Eric Trump, the son of the candidate.

In the process, this 36-year-old businessman, vice-president of the father group "Trump Organization", posted on Twitter a video showing a man burning 80 pro-Trump ballots.

Officials of the office concerned denied, assuring that these are only samples and not completed ballots.

“It's not just that, complaints go back in all directions to the team led by Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani, continues Stephen.

We have been told of offices in Democratic areas where Republican Party observers have been prevented from entering or kept away from counting operations, packets of ballots that disappear.

In Michigan, a packet of 136,000 pro-Biden ballots magically appears overnight.



US presidential election: pro-Trump try to prevent the end of the count

Rudy Giuliani, 76, the powerful former mayor of New York, legal adviser to Trump, intends to use every pretext to challenge the fraud in court.

"We nickname him the bulldog, he is tenacious, relentless and courageous", praises the Trumpist supporter.

Giuliani, who flew to Philadelphia on Wednesday, coordinates operations from this “blue” metropolis surrounded by “red” counties.

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With Trump junior, he hired new lawyers, who came to reinforce a battalion of some 400 of the most talented and cunning lawyers in the country.

They deploy in the field, go fishing for documents, inspect the disputed offices ...


US Presidential election: tension mounts in both camps

This legal battle which follows the battle of the ballot boxes promises to be long, as in 2000 the Bush Jr-Al Gore duel.

Because there are two levels of justice, the supreme courts of the 50 states, then, if the dispute is sufficiently substantiated, the Federal Supreme Court.

In some counties, such as Georgia, Nevada and especially Pennsylvania, the gap between the two rivals is only a handful of votes, and tens of thousands at the state level.

So deviations close to 2%, where possible fraud could in fact change the result.

Examining all of these disputes will take time.

In addition, it is up to the governors of each state to ratify the result, by the December 8 deadline: will the pro-Trump be tempted to block everything?

Given the mood of the outgoing president, in constant contact with his son Eric and Giuliani, anything is possible.

The media consortia, which give the results here, will certainly be able to unveil the name of the next President of the United States without delay, this will not be official until justice has decided ... or that one or the other other candidate concedes defeat.

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