The Limited Times

Usa 2020: Pennsylvania, 'votes will be counted'

11/5/2020, 4:51:10 PM

"The campaign is over, the votes have been cast and now is the time to count them and respect the will of the voters. I will not allow anyone to stop the counting process. These are legal votes and will be counted." (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, 05 NOV - "The election campaign is over, the votes have been cast and now is the time to count them and respect the will of the voters. I will not allow anyone to stop the counting process. These are legal votes and will be counted. ".

This was stated by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, rejecting the legal action of Donald Trump's campaign.

Meanwhile, Russia also takes a stand.

"We hope that the existing legal mechanisms in the United States will allow us to determine the future president in strict compliance with the American Constitution and, above all, to avoid mass unrest," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

"Electing the head of state is the exclusive right of American citizens who deserve their votes to be counted correctly," he said.

   "As for the prospects for Russian-American relations, as the leadership of our country has said several times, Moscow is ready for constructive interaction with any American president," Zakharova said.


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