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US election 2020: Delay due to postal ballot failure - Trump supporters try to prevent the count

11/6/2020, 4:12:04 PM

Before the 2020 US election, Donald Trump repeatedly spoke of manipulation through postal voting. On election day there were serious mishaps first in Florida and now in Georgia.

Before the 2020 US election, Donald Trump repeatedly spoke of manipulation through postal voting.

On election day there were serious mishaps first in Florida and now in Georgia.

  • The 59th US presidential election is eagerly awaited.

  • Donald Trump (Republican) takes on Joe Biden (Democrat).

  • Postal voting has never been as important as this year.

    This also harbors problems and several breakdowns.

  • With our free US election newsletter you are always well informed.

Update from November 5th, 4:30 p.m.:

In the


, the counts in Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Georgia are continuing.

Riots broke out on Thursday night when supporters of

Donald Trump


to prevent

the count at a polling station in



In particular,


is currently the focus of attention, the counting of the remaining postal votes should be finished soon.


Trump is

ahead in the state,


primarily use

postal votes.

And so could tip the scales.



announced on Twitter to speak out and called for an immediate stop of the count.

In the majority of US states, postal votes are counted at the end.

As a result, the Democratic challenger

Joe Biden


good chances - which Trump wants to prevent.

The incumbent

US President

and his team had announced that

they wanted to stop

the ongoing vote counting through the corridor to the

Supreme Court



- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2020

On Twitter,



of an alleged "disappearance" of Republican votes and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani claimed that the Democrats had sent in fake ballot papers.


OSCE observers


no evidence of irregularities in the

US election


Postal voting in the US: US Post is said to have failed to deliver thousands of ballot papers on time

Update, 6.47 p.m.:


US Post

may have failed

to deliver

thousands of

postal voting


across the country before the cut-off times.

At least that's what the

Raw Story

portal reports

citing data published on Wednesday on Twitter, which suggests this conclusion.

In South Florida, for example, 27 percent of all postal ballot papers were never received.

However, the


on which this information is based may not be entirely complete.



reported on Tuesday, the Post wanted to simplify processes and therefore may

not have scanned

ballot papers

and not included them in the statistics, even though the papers were actually delivered.

Update, 11:33 a.m.:

According to the


, election


in the decisive states of

Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are

now taking a break.

Until the next morning, their time.

That would be in four to five hours.

For our time (i.e. CET) this would mean: The counting will not continue until this afternoon from around 3 p.m.

At around 9 a.m. (CET) in Pennsylvania, 1.4 million postal votes were still pending, according to CNN - and all votes that are still in the mail are still valid in the state, provided they have a stamp from election day.

Update, 8:13 a.m.:

According to CBS, five people count the votes in Fulton County (see update from 6:19 a.m.).

So that can still take a while.

And these five people could produce one, if not the decisive result for Georgia and thus perhaps for the entire US election.

Postal ballot glitch in Georgia: Delay after burst water pipe - only five people count in Fulton County

Update, 7:25 a.m.:

Georgia is particularly exciting in this context.

The opinions of the analysts differ widely here.

Many votes have not yet been counted.

The Republicans still see Trump as the winner.

The Democrats assume that the postal votes not yet counted are more likely to go to Biden - which could change everything again.

Among other things, the voices that lie in that burst water pipe arena.

Another postal ballot failure: burst water pipe in arena full of ballot papers - counting stopped

Update from 6:19 a.m

.: New bad news from the slow counting in the USA.

Another postal ballot-related glitch occurred, this time in

Atlanta, Georgia,

according to

CBS News


In the

county of Fulton County

, all of the county's postal ballot papers were stored in an arena.

According to the CBS, there was a

burst water pipe there


The burst pipe is now under control.

But initially it will not be counted any further.

In addition to the burst water pipe, there should also be a shortage of personnel.


US election: Pennsylvania gives up.

You won't be able to count the votes quickly.

© Matt Slocum / AP / dpa

How many postal voting documents are stored there and whether they are damaged is currently unclear.

It is clear that the district has

800,000 registered voters

and many


there by postal vote.

Lots of black people live there, and Biden apparently hopes to use it to shoot Georgia.

The current trend is more towards Trump.

If the count goes on, Biden Georgia might win.

When the count will continue in Fulton County, however, is completely open.

2020 US election: 300,000 postal ballot papers fail - Trump suspects fraud 

Original article, November 4, 1:45 a.m

.: Florida - Never before have

more postal ballot papers been requested

for a

US election

than this year.

A good 66 million votes are likely to come about in this way.

The election documents sent by post could become a decisive factor in the outcome of the election.

Problems are inevitable.

US election 2020: enormous importance of postal votes - Trump suspects fraud 

The counting of the





vote will in all probability take longer than that in the polling stations.

This is also because, in some


, postal voting documents are also accepted that were only sent on election day.

The date of the postmark applies.



for example,


could still be received three days after the

US election


Basically, that's not a problem either.

Because according to the US electoral law, the states have until December 8th to submit their results.


Donald Trump

recently repeatedly


the risk of electoral fraud through postal voting without any evidence.

He can only lose the election if it is manipulated.

He also advocated that the result on election evening would be decisive.

It has always been like that.

US election 2020: Democrats in particular tend to vote by letter

It can be assumed that

democratic voters

in particular

tend to vote by post.

They traditionally cast their votes earlier, while

Republican supporters

tend to go to the polls on election day.


corona pandemic

is likely to cement these attitudes.

Critics accuse

Trump of

deliberately undermining the credibility of the postal vote in order to be able to question the outcome of the election in the event of a defeat.

Conspiracies on the part of Donald Trump are basically lacking any foundation.

On election day there was still excitement about the postal vote.

2020 US election: glitch in absentee ballot - 300,000 ballots affected


United States Postal Service

(USPS) failed to meet certain deadlines for delivering the documents.

About 300,000 ballot papers could not be scanned in time.

The scan performed by the USPS confirms that the documents have been delivered.

A federal judge in


issued an extraordinary election day order around 12 noon on Tuesday, requiring the


to examine undelivered ballots in a dozen postal districts.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan instructed the Postal Service "to ensure that no ballot papers have been held up and that any identified ballot papers are immediately sent for delivery".

He ordered a search of the postal facilities and requested a statement from the


by 4:30 p.m. local time



Biden or Trump: More than 250 million US citizens eligible to vote are allowed to make their crosses.

Many do this by postal vote.

© Jim West / zumawire / dpa

US election 2020: delays in postal voting - in Florida of all places


Swing State


is also


by the breakdown


As the

USPS announced

, the number of punctually delivered election papers in


is only 74 percent.



, the presidential race is particularly competitive.

Because of its size, the southeastern state of the

USA represents

29 electorates - only


(55) and


(38) send more.


had recently appointed

Louis DeJoy

as top Post chief, which caused a great stir in the country.

The opposition Democrats accuse Trump and de DeJoy of deliberately weakening the Post in order to torpedo postal votes in the presidential election in November.

Recently there have been reports of delays in delivery, reduced opening times of post offices, dismantled letter boxes and disposed of sorting machines.

But here too there is no reliable evidence.

What is certain is that the mud battle in the race for the White House has once again reached an additional level due to the countless postal votes.


We have all the information about the US election 2020 for you, such as the projections and interim results of the day as well as the current status of the candidates in the US election.

List of rubric lists: © Matt Slocum / AP / dpa

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