The Limited Times

US election 2020: Why the result is so explosive for Trump - "The moment he is no longer President ..."

11/6/2020, 11:05:41 AM

The 2020 US election will probably be decided again. But the result could not only have political consequences for Trump - but also particularly explosive private ones.

The 2020 US election will probably be decided again.

But the result could not only have political consequences for Trump - but also particularly explosive private ones.

  • The

    2020 US election will

    be decisive - experts agree on that.

  • But for the

    US President Trump in


    a lot depends on how the result turns out.

  • Here you will find our news about the US election 2020, and here everything about the results of the election of the year.

Washington DC / New York (USA) - Quite a few observers from the immediate environment of

Donald Trump


expect the

US President

to rebel against defeat.

Compared to the New York Times, some of his employees from the

White House

* are

even said to have said that there was no one around who would stand up to the





himself had already joked that in the event of defeat, he "might have to leave the country".

But how far-fetched are these speculations and jokes actually?

A political scientist is fueling the speculation in "

Hart aber Fair



After the 2020 election in the USA: Trump - "The rest of his life will be very uncomfortable"






, the rest of his life will be very uncomfortable," said the former US ambassador to Germany, John Kornblum.

"Medical care for everyone has nothing to do with socialism, but with quality of life," says political scientist Prof. Christiane Lemke at #hartaberfair @DasErste.

"In the #USA, more and more people die of # COVID19 who do not have access to medicine."

# Election2020

- tough but fair (@hartaberfair) November 2, 2020

How uncomfortable -

Christiane Lemke

, Professor of Politics at the University of Hanover, explained that in more detail at Hart aber Fair.

She is considered an expert in international relations and in US politics and society and has also taught in the US for a long time.

2020 US election: will Trump be charged after a possible defeat?

Lemke sees a particular danger for Trump: He could be indicted after the election.

Several charges are pending against him, said Lemke.

In New York State there were libel suits against


and tax evasion proceedings, including in connection with his hotels.

In addition, a woman accuses him of raping her, said Lemke.

So far, the judiciary has fended off these proceedings - a



cannot be charged as long as he is president and is therefore in principle immune.

"The moment he is no longer


, it is clear that these legal proceedings are underway and he then has to testify in court." Currently,

very daring scenarios are being

discussed in the


, according to which


after a possible defeat in the

presidential election


might even try to pardon yourself.

(kat) * is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Susan Walsh

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