The Limited Times

US election projections: Biden in Georgia on par with Trump - Pennsylvania is probably falling too

11/6/2020, 12:15:04 PM

Projections and forecasts for the 2020 US election live from the day after the election: Who will be the next president? Will Donald Trump be ousted by Joe Biden?

Projections and forecasts for the 2020 US election live from the day after the election: Who will be the next president?

Will Donald Trump be ousted by Joe Biden?

  • Forecasts and projections for the

    US presidential election 2020

    * show an open race.

  • Joe Biden


    Donald Trump

    are waiting to see what happens in several swing states.

  • The latest numbers for counting votes are available here in the live ticker.

Update of 6 November, 8:47:



in the remaining

federal states of

the USA, where the decision is still not fallen to the distribution of electoral advances.



in particular, the


could actually


in favor of

Democrat Joe Biden


According to the US news broadcaster CNN,


666 votes

separate him from a


over US President Donald Trump - and the winning of 16 electors.

Together with the electors from Nevada or Arizona, where Biden is also currently ahead, Biden would have the required

majority of 270

and reach more electors and become the new President of the United States of America.

Update from November 5, 12:22 p.m.:

In the ongoing




, Trump's lead has been reduced from 23,000 votes to 18,000 votes.



on the projections for the US election in 2020. If Trump still loses this state, Biden would have almost a majority for his election as US president *.

However, the


still point

to a narrow Trump victory in Georgia, even if it is a so-called “

battleground state

”, as the states with hard-fought election results are called in the USA.

Update from November 5, 10:26 a.m.:

The results are still open in six states.

If a quick result was expected in Georgia just a few hours ago, the count seems to be dragging on there too.

In Arizona, the incumbent US President Donald Trump was able to regain a little ground and narrow the lead of his challenger Joe Biden.

The news agency AP and Fox News had previously declared Biden in Arizona the winner.

Other news agencies had held back on this assessment.

US state

Joe Biden

Donald Trump













North Carolina






Source: Washington Post, as of 10:33 a.m.

Update from November 5, 5:30 a.m.:

As in Michigan and Wisconsin before, challenger

Joe Biden has

caught up




While the incumbent US President

Donald Trump

tries to stop the further counting, things will run out for him there too.

Biden is currently in the lead in Nevada and Arizona.

Update from November 4, 9:53 p.m.:

Donald Trump's team also went to court



to stop the US election count.

As in Michigan earlier, the Republicans complained about Trump's lack of transparency in polling stations.

Accordingly, the courts in both states must decide how to proceed with the count.

Projections for the US election show no clear result for seven states

Update from November 4th, 9:16 pm:

While Joe Biden has slowly gained a lead, the results from several states are still missing.

The US is still waiting for

Alaska, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina


Before the electors have been distributed here, it remains unclear who has achieved the majority for the presidency.

Update from November 4, 8:19 p.m .:

Wisconsin is tallied and just goes to Joe Biden.

However, it is uncertain whether the result will last in this important swing state.

Donald Trump's campaign team had already announced that it would


a recount in



Update from November 4, 7:54 p.m.:

The projections from


now assume that three electors will go to Biden and one to Trump.

The four electors can be distributed to multiple candidates in that state.

Projections for the 2020 US election: Shivering game in several states - next big delay looming

Update from November 4, 7:13 p.m.:

According to the latest

projections from Wisconsin

, Joe Biden was extremely close to Donald Trump.

Although almost all of the votes have been counted, the entire election in this state is now likely to drag on.

According to a written statement from Donald Trump's campaign team, they want to





If this decision is upheld, the ten electors from Wisconsin will initially not appear in the projections.

Update from November 4, 6:55 p.m.:

You can find a lot more news from the USA, including statements, reactions and assessments of further developments, in the current live ticker for the 2020 US election.

Update from November 4, 5:02 p.m.:



reports, Donald Trump is catching up in



The 74-year-old is currently at 47.6 percent in the state in the southwestern United States (previously 46.8).

Joe Biden is still in the lead with 51.0 percent (previously 51.8).

Meanwhile, the

tremor continues in the other US states


In Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin in particular, it remains tight.

Projections for the 2020 US election: Biden overtakes Trump in Michigan

Update from November 4, 3:57 p.m.:



, the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has now taken the lead.

According to


he comes to

49.3 percent, the Republican Donald Trump to 49.1 percent (90 percent of the votes counted).

Thus, four of the six contested US states are currently in democratic hands:









Trump, on the other hand, leads in





Update from November 4, 2:18 p.m.:

Donald Trump is

still leading

in the US state of Michigan *, but his lead is melting.

According to


, the incumbent US president currently has 49.4 percent, challenger

Joe Biden

48.9 percent.

In Wisconsin *, too, it remains exciting.

Biden is currently ahead there.

The 77-year-old received 49.4 percent of the vote, Trump 48.8 percent.

US state

Joe Biden

Donald Trump













Update from November 4, 12:29 p.m.:

Seven or eight states

, depending on whether

Arizona is

finally assigned to the Democrats, have not yet been divided between the candidates.

Nevada and currently Wisconsin are

tending to become democratic.

Donald Trump is currently

in the lead in

Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan and Alaska


If it stays that way, Trump can win the election.

However, in some regions with a tendency towards democracy, many votes are still missing, especially votes from postal votes.

Pennsylvania and Michigan, depending on the outcome, could be the states that will determine the final outcome of the election.

In Michigan in particular, Donald Trump only leads Joe Biden with 64,000 votes.

That is extremely close.

New projections for the 2020 US election: Wisconsin suddenly tips over - Joe Biden by a narrow margin

Update from November 4, 10:41 a.m.:

Hawaii and four electors also go to Joe Biden

with 65.1 percent to 33 percent.

Wisconsin has recently turned back in the direction of Democrats, as voices from the high-voting region can currently increasingly be assigned to Biden.

Biden leads Trump with just 0.3 percent.

That's just 10,000 votes.

Update from November 4, 10.19 a.m.:


Wisconsin and Michigan

, a lot depends on the capital

regions of Milwaukee or Milwaukee County and Wayne County around Detroit,

according to CNN.

These two regions hold many votes and many have not yet been counted here.

Depending on how things turn out in these “counties”, there can be another push in the democratic direction or it becomes clearer for the Republicans.

Projections for the 2020 US election: Arizona will probably go to Joe Biden - Trump leads in other important states

Update from November 4, 9:32 a.m.:

According to

AP and Fox News, Arizona is now officially recognized as a Democrat win


CNN and the New York Times don't include Arizona yet, even if Biden is ahead.

Biden is currently also leading in Nevada and Main.

Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, and Pennsylvania

are also not yet assigned.

In all five states, US President Trump leads very narrowly.

Should he get this, he will emerge as the winner of the US election.

However, many absentee votes are still missing from the evaluation, especially in Pennsylvania.

These could in turn help Biden.

It remains an extremely close race.

Update from November 4th, 8:12 a.m.:

The tendencies for


, a very important swing state, seem to be getting clearer and clearer, even if it is not yet official.

As of this writing, it looks like

Arizona could go to Joe Biden


According to CNN, Biden is 52.4 percent ahead of Trump with 46.3 percent.

Update from November 4, 7.16 a.m.: Rhode Island

goes to the Democrats around Joe Biden, according to CNN.

With 59.2 percent to 39.3 percent, this is clear for the Democrats.

Texas is now finally

counted among

the Republicans



, however, goes to

Joe Biden and the Democrats with 53.2 percent


Trump received 44.7 percent here.

Update from November 4, 6.51 a.m.: Florida

now finally seems to go to the Republicans and thus Donald Trump with 29 electors.

96 percent of the votes have now been counted.

According to CBS, Donald Trump accounts for 52.2 percent

and Joe Biden for 47.8 percent.

Update from November 4, 6:26 a.m.: Iowa

now seems just as decided.

According to Fox News,

53.4 percent of

the vote goes to

Donald Trump


Joe Biden

accounts for

44.8 percent


Projections for the 2020 US election: what were the results of the last presidential election in 2016?

Update from November 4th, 6:11 am:

Ohio and Texas are now as good as decided.

Ohio goes to incumbent President Trump with 53.3 percent



Joe Biden was able to


45.2 percent




, which has long been very scarce and where sometimes even led the Democrats, now still went to the Republicans.

53.2 percent for Trump to 46.4 percent for Biden

is the current status after a count of 88 percent of the votes on site.

Update November 4, 5:38 a.m.: It will be

exciting in

Arizona, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Iowa and Michigan.

It's a head-to-head race everywhere.

Sometimes the candidates are not even separated by a percentage point.

It is also not clear when exactly the postal votes will be counted, which could more likely benefit the Democrats.

It remains tight and exciting.

Projections for the 2020 US election: Trump "turns" Swing State Ohio - Can Biden still counter?

Update from November 4th, 5.02:

The current projections show: Trump wins in




, Biden takes

New Hampshire


Neither of these states is the big "jackpot" that the candidates are currently waiting for.

Several highly competitive US states have yet to make a decision.

Update from November 4, 4:06 a.m.:

The 2020 US election is still completely open, even if the projections currently give Joe Biden a head start.

The results of the numerous

swing states

are still completely open.

In these states, no party has a traditional majority, which is why the elections in the USA are decided especially there.

The wait for the close result in


continues and

Trump has also caught up




There the counterparties are separated by less than a percentage point.

From the past, the rule of thumb applies: Whoever wins Ohio wins the election.

The decision is still pending in the other highly competitive states.

At this point, the US election can still tip either way.

Concrete forecasts for the congress election

Update from November 4, 3.38 a.m.:

In the 2020 congress election, the first clear tendencies are



According to current projections, the Democrats will continue to have a majority in the House of Representatives.

The forecast is that they will even win a few more seats.

Update from November 4, 3.16 a.m.:

According to the current


, other states are considered decided.

In the US, the AP news agency forecasts that

Donald Trump has won 14 states so far


Joe Biden has eleven states

plus the


capital Washington DC, which is not counted as a state.

In view of these projections for the US election, a preliminary decision is not yet in sight.

The close decision in Florida, which is particularly important for Trump, has not yet been made.

Update from November 4, 2.48 a.m.:

Another state has elected Donald Trump by a majority.

The US President receives the six Arkansas voters.

Previous predictions for the 2020 US election: who will win which states?

Update from November 4, 2:20 a.m.:

According to the news agencies AP and dpa, Joe Biden currently has a little more electorate behind him than Donald Trump.

Accordingly, the following states have so far been decided for one of the candidates in the US election.

Joe Biden:

Virginia, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island and the federal capital Washington DC

Donald Trump:

Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi

Projections for the 2020 US election: Trump shortly before victory in Florida?

Update from November 4, 2:08 a.m.:



around two thirds of the votes are counted.

It's a close race between Trump and Biden - likely with the better ending for the incumbent president.

In populous Miami-Dade County, in particular

, Biden received fewer votes

than he would likely need to win the state.

It was already clear in the run-up to the election that

Trump urgently needed a victory in Florida.

It would be easier for Biden than for Trump to secure a majority for a presidency through victories in other states.

Update November 4, 1:55:

As the situation in Indiana is surprisingly open, the situation is currently as follows:

Joe Biden

the choice of people of the states has

Virginia and Vermont

backed up while

Donald Trump


Kentucky and West Virginia

got the victory Has.

Biden has 16 voters and Trump 13. A negligible number compared to the 270 voters a candidate needs to win the election.

Projections for the 2020 US election: Trump is ahead of Biden - first surprise is on the horizon

Update from November 4, 1:33 a.m.:

For Donald Trump an unpleasant

surprise is


After the first forecasts from




as the clear winner of the election, according to current projections,

Joe Biden is


ahead with 55.3 percent of the votes.

The dream start to the 2020 US election, which was believed to be certain, suddenly wobbles for the president.

Donald Trump, however, has clearly won the state of Indiana for himself.

The current projections give him 66.7 percent of the vote there.

The Republican stronghold of West Virginia also goes to Trump.

Update from November 4, 1:18 a.m.:

The state of Vermont goes to Joe Biden.

This is evident from voter surveys and the first vote counts.

In the small state that traditionally falls to the Democrats, however, it is only about three voters.

First extrapolation positive for Trump: forecast for two states

Update from November 4, 1:05 a.m.:

The first constituencies in the states of Kentucky and Indiana are counted.

According to CNN, Trump leads the projections there for the 2020 US election.

He will therefore win in Kentucky and Indiana with a clear lead over challenger Biden.

Update from November 4th, 0.53 a.m.:

When determining the election results and the previous projections, a delay is expected due to a high number of postal voters.

Donald Trump used election day to protest again against judicial decisions on postal votes *.

Update from November 4, 0.23 a.m.:

So that you know exactly on election night in which states a result will be determined next, we recommend the schedule for US election night *.

The progress of the forecasts and projections can be traced back to the order in which the polling stations are closed from the east coast to the west coast of the USA.

First polling stations closed: projections for the 2020 US election are getting closer

Update from November 4, 0.01 a.m.: It

is still 0: 0 according to the electorate, but concrete figures can be determined immediately, because in the first states some of the polling stations are now closed.

Update from November 3, 11:25 p.m.:

From midnight onwards, the preliminary forecasts for the US election can become more specific projections.

Then the first two states close their polling stations.

With the count there will be the first concrete figures for the start of the hot phase of election night.

We'll keep you up to date on who the projections currently see up front.

Voter turnout forecast for the 2020 US election

Update from November 3, 8:10 p.m.:

Record in the 2020 US election:

More than 100 million early voters



people who voted before the actual election day - were registered this year.

This corresponds to more than 73 percent of the total votes cast in 2016, according to the

US Elections Project


Voter turnout was particularly high in a number of US states in the south and west.

The majority of early voters are believed to support Joe Biden.

Whether this is actually the case will be shown in a few hours when the first projections and forecasts are made.

US election forecast sees a surprising majority in one state

Update from November 3, 5:12 p.m.:

In the US state of Iowa * there could be a surprise in the US election.

After polls showed that both presidential candidates were tied,

Donald Trump

is now said to have set himself

apart from Joe Biden


The incumbent US President should receive 48 percent of the vote, challenger Biden only 41 percent.

This is the result of a survey by the local newspaper Des Moines Register and the polling institute The Selzer.

Iowa will be one of the so-called swing states * in the 2020 US election.

Update from November 3, 1:15 p.m.:

Even if it will take a while until the first concrete

projections for the US election

are available, there is still a small result.

The votes have already been counted

in the two villages of

Dixville Notch




New Hampshire


That wasn't a problem after five votes were counted in Dixville Notch and 21 in Millsfield.

The votes were cast shortly after midnight local time

(Tuesday, 6 a.m. CET).

At Dixville Notch, Democrat Joe Biden was all the votes.

At Millsfield, Trump scored 16 votes and Biden five.

40 percent of US citizens eligible to vote have already cast their votes, according to the

University of Florida Early Elections Project.

That corresponds to about

98.4 million


Many citizens chose the postal voting route.

Projections and forecasts for the US election 2020: Latest figures for the duel Trump against Biden

First report from November 3rd:

Munich / Washington, DC - Who will be the next

President of

the United States of America?

We provide

forecasts and projections for the

US election 2020

as a news ticker here.

Voter surveys and initial counts provide the first clues as to the outcome of the election early on.

US election 2020: forecasts and projections rise and fall with the behavior of the candidates


election campaign

in the

USA has

always been

different from that in Germany.

The candidates for the office of


spare no expense or effort to impress their voters.

Millions of dollars flow into various election campaign projects every four years.

Political experts, the media and election campaigners made


for the 2020 US election campaign



The development of such forecasts is steadily advancing: With every public appearance, with every post on social media and with every supporter or opponent, the chances of the

presidential candidates

rise and fall

. * Concrete projections for the 2020 US election, i.e. real figures from the voting behavior of Voters, but only after the first polling stations have closed.

Forecasts become extrapolations - ever more precise figures on the night of the US election

Polls on



presidential election

are performed or shared by almost any medium.

They are something different from the projections and forecasts on election evening.

The forecasts for the US election, which are specially prepared on election day, are based on voter surveys at polling stations.

You try to get the most accurate picture possible.


extrapolations for the US election

result from the fact that the real numbers of counted polling stations are included in this forecast.

The projections will therefore become more and more precise as the election evening progresses.

Many Americans have been criticizing the polls in the run-up to the election, at least since Donald Trump's victory in 2016.

One user wrote on Twitter: “Anyone believe the


for the

2020 US election


I roll my eyes every time I hear Biden win.

Did we learn anything? "

In 2016, too, the signs were much better for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump - the latter won anyway.

This is partly due to the

electoral system

in the



The Americans who are eligible to vote do not elect the


himself, but so-called electors. *

Does anyone believe the # USElection2020 polls?

I roll my eyes each time I hear Biden is winning.

Haven't we learn anything?

Despite all his shameful actions and stupidity, Trump has a chance.

And that's all he needs.

#USA #USElection #VPDebate # Vote2020

- Miguel Candela (@miguelcandela_) October 21, 2020

Live from election night: forecasts and projections for the 2020 US election

These electors will only meet in December and then officially elect the

President of the United States of America

. * Why is the focus then on November 03, 2020, one might ask.

Why are there the forecasts and


on the evening of the US election


A little explanation: To become


, a candidate must get 270 votes out of 538 voters.

The number of these votes is already


after the

US election

in November 2020, so it is clear who the

electorate will

vote for president in a final, formal act.

The main aim of the forecasts and projections on November 3rd is therefore to determine the number of electors for the two candidates.

However, in many states, electors are not legally required to obey voters' votes.

The projections can therefore reflect the will of the voters at an early stage - but theoretically there is still some room for surprises later.

(jey) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © Carolyn Kaster / AP / dpa

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