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ANALYSIS | Is the world of Fox News and Murdoch turning against Trump? | CNN

11/7/2020, 8:35:42 PM

For the past few days, there has been significant speculation that Murdoch's world is shifting positions as it prepares for a post-Trump world, and there are people trying to forecast what's going to happen. | United States | CNN

What will Joe Biden's new foreign policy look like?


(CNN) -

Is Rupert Murdoch's media empire turning against Trump?

For the past few days, there has been significant speculation that Murdoch's world is shifting positions as it prepares for a post-Trump world, and there are people trying to forecast what's going to happen.

Yes, there are some signs that the weapons of the Murdoch empire have taken a firmer stand against the president.

But there are other signs that Murdoch is still in Trump's camp.

So let's go over some of the key developments.

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Fox propagandists don't give up

This is the most obvious point: The most visible faces in Murdoch's media empire, his pro-Trump propagandists, have been stepping on the gas.

What's more, they are accelerating.

Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and other Fox personalities have been parroting Trump's dishonest rhetoric that undermines the integrity of America's democratic process for days.

Friday night was no different.

The rhetoric of Fox's big stars is not only irresponsible, it is dangerous.

And the executives at Murdoch and Fox are the ones giving it the green light, allowing it to happen on their air.

If Murdoch has really turned against Trump, it sure is not being accomplished in what is arguably the most powerful arm of his media empire ...


Fox Abandons the Guidance of "President Elect"

Trump played golf while Biden was declared the winner 1:44

It's hard to know what to make of this, but two memos obtained Friday by CNN instructed Fox hosts and other staff members not to call Biden "president-elect" when the network casts him as the winner.

The memos said Fox should "avoid" using the description and instead say something like Biden has "enough electoral votes to win the presidency."

To justify the unusual positioning, the memos cited moves by Trump's legal teams to challenge the results.

"We will report to both parties until further guidance," read one of the memoranda.

After the CNN report, which noted that the guidance could change, Fox denied that the memos we had obtained were guidance.

The presenters soon began referring to Biden as "president-elect" in conversations about what-if-scenarios ...

Fox's "news" anchors have been more aggressive, but ...

It's true that some of the Fox anchors who work for the network's "direct news" division appeared more aggressive on Friday in rejecting misinformation from Trump's allies.

Bret Baier, for example, repeatedly pressed Newt Gingrich about bullshit he was selling on Fox air.

But it's also true that for every time a Fox host pressured one guest, he seemed to be encouraging or amplifying misinformation from another.

For example, while Baier lobbied Gingrich, Martha MacCallum said she "completely agreed" with a discredited narrative about a vote counting center in Detroit ...

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Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal: Acknowledgment of Victory Needed

Here's another sign that Murdoch's world may be starting to turn its back on Trump.

The editorial board of The Wall Street Journal wrote late Friday that "whoever wins needs the other to give in in order to govern."

The board, which recognized Trump's right to take legal action if he had evidence of wrongdoing, wrote: “Trump's legacy will be greatly diminished if his final act is a bitter refusal to accept legitimate defeat.

Republican officials will turn around and eventually, so will the American public who wants the election resolved.