The Limited Times

Trump's lawyer "doesn't believe in coincidences"

11/7/2020, 10:08:36 PM

Just at the moment when Rudy Giuliani was about to give a press conference, he received news of Joe Biden's election victory. The lawyer then spread baseless allegations.

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The news of Joe Biden's election victory came just as Rudy Giuliani, ex-Mayor of New York and campaign lawyer for Donald Trump, was about to hold a press conference.

First, the television station CNN had named Biden the winner because of an unassailable lead, other stations followed shortly afterwards.

A practice that is common in elections in the United States.

Giuliani's reaction: 

Rudolph Giuliani, lawyer for Donald Trump

"Who was he appointed by?"

Reporter: "From all channels."

Giuliani: "From all channels? Goodness! From all channels! Wow! From all channels! We have to forget the law. Judges don't count! All channels, all channels. All channels thought Biden would win with 10 percent. Boy, and what happened? Come on, don't be ridiculous. Broadcasters can't rule on elections. Courts do that. "

Or, more simply, voters.

For days, Trump's lawyers and his family members have been trying to explain Trump's decline in votes, which is mainly due to the large number of postal votes that had to be laboriously counted at the end, with "illegal ballot papers".

Trump and his supporters have been talking about electoral fraud for weeks, for which there is no evidence.

And the followers believe it.

You see yourself, like many conspiracy theorists, as doubters - and not surrendered to a conspiracy theory. 

Rudolph Giuliani, attorney for Donald Trump

"As a friend of mine says, I don't believe in conspiracies, but I don't believe in coincidences either. Kind of funny that all Republicans here and all Republicans in Pittsburgh have been rejected."

Guiliani had accused the government in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Wednesday that election observers were not allowed to view the postal ballot papers.

One problem with this is the distance rules that were introduced due to the corona pandemic.  

Rudolph Giuliani, lawyer for Donald Trump

"And it comes to roughly ... Gosh, just under 700,000 votes that President Trump was up two days ago and that have disappeared. And we have no way of knowing because we have been denied rights To see if a single one of these ballots is legal. That's outrageous. It's illegal, it's unconstitutional, and we're going to draft a lawsuit to challenge that.

In fact, observers from both parties are permitted at each count.

In Detroit, for example, Trump's team had filed a lawsuit to stop counting because in addition to the regular Republican observers, others wanted to enter the hall.

The courts can then clarify whether this is unconstitutional.