The Limited Times

United States: Biden winner of the election, Trump says it is "far from over"

11/7/2020, 5:35:36 PM

Despite the announcement of the Democratic candidate's victory, the outgoing president refuses to concede his defeat and continues to multiply the accu

He had chosen to go to his golf course in Sterling, Virginia, on this Saturday when the verdict of the presidential election was expected.

While Joe Biden was given the winner after his decisive success in the key state of Pennsylvania, after four days of suspense, Donald Trump has stuck to his position by refusing to acknowledge his defeat.

The outgoing president accused his Democratic rival of "rushing to stand falsely" as the winner of the presidential election, assuring that the election was "far from over".

"We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to present himself falsely as the winner and why his allies in the media are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to come out," the outgoing Donald Trump wrote in a communicated.

"The simple fact is that this election is far from over," he said.


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For his part, Joe Biden promised Saturday to be "the president of all Americans".

"I am honored and humbled by the confidence the Americans have placed in me and in the vice-president-elect," Kamala Harris, said in a statement the one who will become the 46th president of the United States.

"With the campaign over, it is time to leave the anger and fiery rhetoric behind and come together as a nation," he added.

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