The Limited Times

US elections: what will happen to Donald Trump now that Joe Biden won the presidency

11/7/2020, 4:42:04 PM

It's hard to imagine a low-key retreat. I could go back to TV. Or leave the country. It is also likely that a complicated judicial horizon awaits him.

11/07/2020 1:35 PM

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/07/2020 1:35 PM

US President Donald Trump never spoke about what he would do if he lost.

It was never an option.

Until today.

The question now is

 , what could his life be like

after his departure from the White House on January 20, 2021?

If he regularly recalls his life before politics -

"I had a great life"

- he has not referred to how it could be afterwards.

In light of the past four years, it's hard to imagine a



and anonymity.

Trump might be tempted to

return to the small screen


If he became known as a real estate developer in the 1980s and 1990s, it was the reality show

"The Apprentice"

that allowed him to enter every American home.

Co-producer of this program that he presented between 2004 and 2015, Trump managed, despite the ups and downs in his real estate empire, to

project an image of a strong and charismatic businessman.

In a large meeting room at Trump Tower, the magnate received applicants and dismissed one per program, using the aforementioned phrase: "You're fired!"

("You are fired!").

Donald Trump and Melania at an event in Tampa, Florida.

Reuters photo

Since his arrival in the White House, he repeatedly deplored Fox News' stance for not being Trumpist enough for his liking.

The same was his friend channel, which he called at any time to go on the air.

The year 2021 could be

an opportunity to start

, either from scratch - although the initial investment could be prohibitive - or from already existing friendly channels such as One America News and NewsMax TV.

Judicial horizon

If he leaves the White House, Trump's judicial horizon could darken significantly.

In New York, he is the subject of two investigations, each of which could lead to a lawsuit against him.

The first, a criminal case brought by Manhattan prosecutor Cyrus Vance, concerns possible

acts of tax evasion,

insurance fraud and accounting manipulation.

The second, in the civil orbit, was launched by the prosecutor of the state of New York, Letitia James, to determine if the Trump Organization lied about the size of its assets to obtain loans and tax advantages.

In theory, nothing is stopping Trump

from trying to get to the White House again

in 2024.

Donald Trump and Melania in the White House.

Photo EFE

The constitution prohibits serving more than two terms in a row, but two non-consecutive terms

is a possibility.

Only one man got that bet right:

Grover Cleveland, in the late 1800s


Elected in 1884, he was defeated in 1888 and reelected in 1892.

But for this, it would have great political obstacles to overcome.

On the one hand, the Republican Party could be tempted to

turn the page on Trumpism

, but the question of age could also arise.

Grover Cleveland was 56 when he began his second term.

Donald Trump would be 78.

In the teasing and teasing tone he loves so much, Trump has mentioned several "clues" in recent months.

A road trip with Melania

In June he evoked, laughing, the possibility of

a "road trip"

with his wife Melania.

"Maybe I'll drive to New York with the First Lady.

I think I'll buy a motor home

and travel with the First Lady."

On a less romantic note, he stopped a few days ago during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania to admire trucks parked in the distance.

"Nice trucks!

Do you think I could get in one of them and go? I would love to, just drive and hit the road."

On a visit to The Villages, Florida's largest retirement community, he evoked a gentler option.

"I'm moving to The Villages. Not a bad idea. I really like it!"

But there is a

more radical option.

"I'm not going to feel very well," he said a few weeks ago, alluding to the humiliation that he says represents the loss to Biden, whom he nicknames "Sleepy Joe."

"I may leave the country."

Source: AFP


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