The Limited Times

"Role Model": The Network Supports Nicole Reidman | Israel today

11/8/2020, 11:11:54 AM

After the shaming she snatched for allegedly turning her back on her ex-girlfriend Jennifer Snokel, the reactions come in favor of Nicole Reidman | native

After the shaming she snatched for allegedly turning her back on her ex-girlfriend Jennifer Snokel, now comes the reactions that support Nicole Reidman • "Inside is a sensitive soul bird"

  • "A punching bag for ratings."

    Nicol Raidman


    Gideon Markovich

Nicole Reidman was not presented in a flattering light during the broadcast of the show with Haim Etgar, which is what made her friends band together around her in a virtual embrace and strengthen her spirit in dozens of posts she shared over the weekend over the network.

The storm in question began immediately after the broadcast of the show "Exposure", which hosted Jennifer Snokel, a former "Fortunes" star.

Since Snookel's exaggerated reality days, she has experienced severe financial and personal hardships, which have led her to leave the country for Canada leaving behind her five children and financial debts.

About three years ago she decided to return to Israel and since then she has been trying to rebuild her life and get back on her feet.

Snokel shared the challenge with the insult she felt when, at the height of the crisis she experienced, she said she turned to her former docu-girlfriend, Reidman, by text message in which she told her about her plight and asked for her support.

She said Reidman blocked her.

Reidman was deeply hurt by the accusation leveled at her in prime time and of course led to an online attack on her, which created two distinct camps: the one that supports Reidman and the one that favors the damaged Snokel.

Last Friday, Reidman rushed to upload a series of charged response tweets to her Instagram, in an attempt to present her side of the story.

Along with the support she received from her public relations manager who posted about the drama that raged on the network, stories began to be published by friends and surfers who wanted to support and strengthen Reidman.

"I loved, loved, I will continue to love. We are all smart and know how to exercise judgment and understand that not everything that is broadcast is true. We are with you, love, strengthen, and know that you always help everyone and even a thorough and baseless investigation will not say otherwise." "There's such a thing for people, that if you have money you're obligated to help, donate, give. And how much you give is not enough ... few people really know how much Nicole contributes and everything is quiet. But it still doesn 't change anything and it's sad. "Kating and I'll also write because of jealousy, it's ugly. It's too low. It's easy to be jealous of a woman who outwardly has everything. No one really knows what she's missing and she's dealing with everything alone ... Beloved Nicole, I love you."

"I must tell you that we were shocked by the slander they inflicted on an amazing woman like Nicole," another comment read, "It was important for me to say what is on our hearts because people forget to say good things about good people. Nicole Lev is all good, full of giving, always complimenting. "For her, it is family and giving, and such a woman in life will not turn her back on anyone, not even for a moment. A strong woman, continue to be such a good and strong person, you are a role model. Thank you for who you are and what you bring to the Land of Israel."

"Whatever you say about Nicole Reidman," wrote her friend Tlola Bonnet, "it is possible (and desirable) to love and it is also possible that it is not okay. But one thing will be clear: she will never turn her back on her friend or girlfriend in trouble or problem. She does not deserve it. "

"Anyone who saw an exposure yesterday and heard Jennifer Snokel gossiping about Nicole Reidman is just ashamed," cried another angry comment, "should have taken it down in the edit. True I do not know her, but I really like her. Nicole contributes a lot to the proud community. "It's a fact. Nicole is also divorced and going through things in life and no one has the right to be angry with her. Nicole is my sister. I love you."

"It's a shame to take a person who helps people all day and donates for free, just for free love, and turns him into a punching bag for ratings," read one of the comments, "Nicole, we are all with you and know what you are doing to this world only good."

"It's a bit shocking what's going on in recent years, with the desire to generate ratings and self-exposure for sympathy," it added, "it's a lonely soul's desire for some attention, but to discredit another person's name for it? "The program of Haim Etgar and one character who apparently disappeared is trying to repeat at the expense of Nicole Reidman. You probably need to meet Nicole Reidman to understand how sensitive and loving a woman is ... Believe me from personal acquaintance. Inside there is a sensitive soul bird. Rating and yellow will destroy your soul." .

Reidman responded last night (Saturday) to the dozens of reassuring responses she said she has received since the show airs and continues to receive, writing: "Thank you my loved ones for tens of thousands of messages, warm words and all your love. It's not obvious. I won big, you give me a lot of power And positive energy.I have never received such crazy feedback.I believe that free love exists and you are the greatest proof of that.Life is a boomerang.Artist and all the light and paragon will come back to each of you.I can not answer everyone and probably will not succeed, it is simply impossible. I love you and appreciate you endlessly. "

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