The Limited Times

Another bad news for Donald Trump: Former President George Bush recognized Joe Biden and congratulated him on his triumph

11/8/2020, 7:32:42 PM

A Republican like the current head of state, he said that despite political differences, he recognizes "a good man" in the future president. "The American people can trust that this election was fundamentally fair," he added, dismissing Trump's complaints.

11/08/2020 16:03

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Updated 11/08/2020 16:03

The president of the United States Donald Trump has not yet recognized the victory of his Democratic rival Joe Biden, but more and more Republicans do, and, of course, they leave it in evidence despite their increasingly sporadic cries of "fraud."

Now it was the turn of former President George W. Bush, also a Republican, who said on his official website: "

I just spoke with the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden

. I extended my warm congratulations and thanked him for the patriotic message he delivered. last night. I also called Kamala Harris to congratulate her on her historic election to the vice presidency. Although we have political differences, I know that Joe Biden is a good man, who has won the opportunity to lead and unify our country. The president-elect reiterated that while ran as a Democrat, he will rule for all Americans. I offered him the same thing I offered Presidents Trump and Obama: my prayers for his success and my promise to help in any way I can. "

In addition, he added that "

I want to congratulate President Trump

and his supporters on a very close campaign. He obtained the votes of more than 70 million Americans, an extraordinary political achievement. They have spoken and their voices will continue to be heard by elected Republicans in all countries. levels of government ".

"The fact that so many of our fellow citizens participated in this election is a positive sign of the health of our democracy and a reminder to the world of its strength. No matter how you voted, your vote counts. President Trump has the right to petition recount and file legal challenges, and any unresolved issues will be properly resolved.

The American people can trust that this election was fundamentally fair

, its integrity will be maintained, and its outcome is clear, "Bush said.

For the former president between 2001 and 2009, predecessor of Barack Obama, "the challenges facing our country will demand the best of President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Harris, and the best of all of us.

We must unite for the good of our families and neighbors

, and for our nation and its future. There is no problem that it does not yield to the gathered will of a free people. Laura and I pray for our leaders and their families. We ask for God's continued blessings on our country. And we urge all Americans to join us in wishing our next President and Vice President the best as they prepare to assume their important roles. "


Look also

When Joe Biden takes over as President of the United States

Elections in the United States: Donald Trump played golf and Joe Biden went to mass the day after the results were announced

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