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Biden puts together a team to fight Corona, Melania pressures Trump to accept the loss - Walla! news

11/8/2020, 5:53:55 PM

The Democratic president-elect is beginning to formulate a panel of experts to fight the epidemic, while the first lady joins her husband's attempts at persuasion. Trump has returned to the golf course, and in the Republican Party the votes are split. "He's her half-ton fate," Mitt Romney said of Trump's future influence

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Biden puts together a team to fight Corona, Melania pressures Trump to accept the loss

The Democratic president-elect is beginning to formulate a panel of experts to fight the epidemic, while the first lady joins her husband's attempts at persuasion.

Trump has returned to the golf course, and in the Republican Party the votes are split.

"He's her half-ton fate," Mitt Romney said of Trump's future influence


  • United States

  • Donald Trump

  • Joe Biden

News agencies

Sunday, 08 November 2020, 19:21

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In the video: Trump plays golf while announcing Biden victory (Photo: Reuters)

US President-elect Joe Biden is beginning to gather his team of experts to fight the Corona plague, while President Donald Trump continues to refuse to accept the loss, a day after state television networks gave his Democratic rival more than 270 electors needed for victory.

According to media reports in the United States, some members of the Republican president's family are urging him to acknowledge the loss, while others are urging him to continue the legal and mental struggle.

Biden campaign spokeswoman Kate Beddingfield told NBC today (Sunday) that Biden, who will be the 46th president when he is sworn in in January, plans to select former Hashi doctor Dr. Vyok Morty and former FDA chief David Kessler as the leaders the task force. they were part of the team of experts and doctors advised Biden during the months of the campaign, focused primarily on the epidemic claimed the lives of more than 230 thousand people.

Biden, 78, said during his victory speech Tuesday night that he might disclose the whole team tomorrow Another record was broken in the last day, with more than 126,000 new cases, the fourth day in a row that the numbers cross the 100,000 mark, a total of about 9.9 million cases since the onset of the plague. More than a thousand people have died in the last 24 hours The

president-elect visited a Catholic church in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware today. Most in the United States ever, we have updated their transition site and also launched a special Twitter account.

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Trump returned today to his golf club in Sterling, Virginia, a day after his visit there was stopped with reports on television networks of Biden's imminent victory.

The Republican president goes on to argue without substantiation and evidence that Democrats are "stealing" the election and falsifying votes, even though his people have not presented any evidence so far.

A small group of people, supporters and opponents, waited outside the golf club, a day after all over the United States, Biden supporters went out to celebrate on one side, and Trump supporters, some armed, demonstrated.

According to CNN, First Lady Melania Trump has joined the growing voices in Trump's entourage, advising him to accept the loss.

According to a source close to the matter, although she did not comment publicly on the matter, in private conversations she expressed her opinion.

"She expressed it, as she often does," the source said.

Earlier it was reported on the network that his son-in-law and close adviser Jared Kusher also approached him to accept the loss, but the Republican president seems to have matured - today he continued his tweets refusing to acknowledge the former vice president's victory.

The Associated Press reported that his eldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, are pressuring him to keep fighting and that he is expected to continue to complete the legal proceedings, even though they have no real possibility.

His associates and allies estimated that he would never acknowledge the loss, but would eventually be forced to leave the White House bitterly.

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Within the Republican Party, the votes are still split.

Two Republican senators - Mitt Romney of Utah and Lisa Markowski of Alaska - have acknowledged Biden's victory, while others in the party echo the president's narrative.

Romney, the party's presidential candidate in 2008 and a frequent critic of Trump, told CNN he saw no evidence of forgery across the United States.

"I do believe it is destructive for democracy to claim widespread forgeries or corruption. There is no evidence of this at this stage, and I think it is important that we know the world is watching us," Romney said.

"I would have preferred the world to expect a smoother departure, but that's not the character of this man. Do not expect him to leave quietly at night."

The senator, who was elected to office two years ago, said the Republican Party would have no "choice" but to work with the Biden administration.

"Can we find a common denominator? Yes. And if Joe Biden works with the Republicans in the Senate, we will find a common denominator."

He described Trump, who is estimated to try and run again in 2024, as a "half-tonne gorilla" in the Republican Party.

He said it would have "a huge impact on our party in the future".

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