The Limited Times

Covid: 32,616 infections and 331 deaths, numbers in decline

11/8/2020, 6:41:37 PM

191,144 new swabs were carried out, about 40 thousand fewer. Giuseppe Galano, head of 118 of the Campania capital, sounds the alarm: 'There are lines of ambulances and private cars in Cotugno, Cardarelli, Ospedale del Mare. They are all in total crisis in receiving Covid patients'. All of South Tyrol becomes a red zone, the governor Kompatscher: 'The epidemiological trend requires it'. Controversy in Sicily after the alarm of the mayor of Palermo Orlando (ANSA)

There are 32,616 new cases of coronavirus positivity in the last 24 hours

(7,195 fewer than yesterday).

The victims are 331 (94 fewer than yesterday).

191,144 new swabs were carried out, about 40 thousand fewer.

This was reported by the data released by the Ministry of Health.

A total of 935,104 are infected, including victims and healed, while the total dead is 41,394.

The swabs / positives ratio is constant, which remains at around 17%, as is the increase in patients in intensive care, according to what emerges from the new bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

The number of currently positive in Italy has reached 558,636 (+26,100).

Of these, 26,404 are hospitalized with symptoms (+1,331), 2,749 are in intensive care (+115) and 529,447 are in home isolation (+24,654).

Since the start of the pandemic, 335,074 people have been discharged or healed, with an increase of +6,183 in the last 24 hours.


alarm is raised at ANSA by Giuseppe Galano

, head of 118 in Naples and coordinator of the regional emergency rescue network: "There are rows of ambulances and private cars in all hospitals in Naples, Cotugno, Cardarelli, Ospedale del Mare they are all in total crisis in receiving covid patients ".

"We are also bringing patients - he explains - to the Pellegrini hospital and to the San Paolo hospital, because by now we are no longer able to dispose of with the large hospitals. But even these structures are in difficulty because they have few places reserved for suspected covids and they get flooded quickly. this is the situation in Naples but I know that it is also very difficult in the local health authorities of the province ".  

Meanwhile, all of South Tyrol becomes the red zone


"The epidemiological trend with the constantly growing numbers and the ever increasing number of municipalities declared a red zone require it. It is now useless to apply two different measures", Governor Arno Kompatscher told ANSA, who will sign the agreement in the next few hours. order.

Transfers between municipalities will be granted only for reasons of work, health, study and imperative emergencies.

In the last 24 hours there have been 781 new cases out of 2998 swabs and 4 deaths.

Health Minister

Roberto Speranza

half an hour more on Rai 3 conducted by Lucia Annunziata said that 'it is not written in the sky where we will end up but I see an awareness that is not up to the moment we are living .

Let's go back to the spirit of March when people's behavior made a difference '


"I don't think it's dirty work to sign an ordinance that imposes restrictions, I think it's a very noble job," explained Speranza.

"If I verify that in a territory, on the basis of scientific data, there is a risk I am not afraid to sign. I have signed heavy ordinances and I am ready to sign more if it will be useful for our country", said the minister, stressing that sign "on behalf of the Government".

"It is a job to protect health as a constitutional right and I do it in the name of the whole Government and in a way shared by all".

"The Dpcm that we have approved from which the ordinances that I sign derive has been shared by the whole Government. It is not a personal signature. I sign on behalf of the Government on the basis of a decree of the President of the Council of Ministers and in a full harmony and sharing with the Prime Minister Conte and with all the ministers ". 

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