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Ganz congratulated Biden: "An old friend of Israel, looking forward to deepening relations" - Walla! news

11/8/2020, 3:05:42 AM

The Secretary of Defense issued his greetings to the President-elect and his deputy Camela Harris, in parallel with the victory speech in Delaware: "Send my congratulations from the bottom of my heart." He thanked current President Trump: "The Middle East has made great progress thanks to his leadership. We are grateful for that." Netanyahu still maintains silence

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  • Political-political

Ganz congratulates Biden: "An old friend of Israel, looking forward to deepening relations"

The Secretary of Defense issued his greetings to the President-elect and his deputy Camela Harris, in parallel with the victory speech in Delaware: "Send my congratulations from the bottom of my heart."

He thanked current President Trump: "The Middle East has made great progress thanks to his leadership. We are grateful for that."

Netanyahu still maintains silence


  • Bnei Gantz

  • Joe Biden

  • United States

  • Elections in the United States 2020

His dew

Sunday, 08 November 2020, 04:33

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In the video: Joe Biden speaks in Delaware.

(Photo: Reuters, Editing: Shaul Adam)

Tonight (Sunday), Secretary of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister Bnei Gantz congratulated the 46th President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, on his victory in last night's presidential election.

In a tweet posted on his Twitter account, Ganz wrote that Biden is an "old friend of Israel" and that he expects to work with him and his deputy, Kamla Harris, to deepen relations between the two countries.

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Ganz, last month (Photo: Elad Malka)


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