The Limited Times

How To Prepare Oatmeal Properly - Are You Making This Typical Mistake?

11/8/2020, 6:20:42 PM

In the past they were frowned upon as “gruel”, but today many connoisseurs like to incorporate them into their breakfast: oat flakes in muesli, as porridge or overnight oats.

In the past they were frowned upon as “gruel”, but today many connoisseurs like to incorporate them into their breakfast: oat flakes in muesli, as porridge or overnight oats.

A bowl of porridge * with freshly cut fruit can be one of the most satisfying goodies to enjoy first thing in the morning.

Why not

start the day

with a

delicious, warm meal


This is not only a good breakfast, but also a healthy meal that will keep you full for a long time and provide energy for the day.

Oats are known to be high in


, which helps keep you feeling full longer and keeps your digestion in check.

In other words, oats are a solid diet option if you're looking for a breakfast or snack that is

filling and nutritious

- and tastes pretty good at the same time.

You can


oatmeal in

many different ways, but you should consider a tip that provides an additional health bonus.

Also read:

Start the day better - 5 tips for a healthy breakfast.

What you can make from oatmeal: porridge, overnight oats and more

If you are new to the world of


, here are the basics: You can not only add oatmeal to your muesli or yogurt, but also prepare it deliciously as a separate meal.


is a variant of this: for the classic recipe, all you have to do is



with water, milk or plant-based drink

in a saucepan.

The result is a creamy


that you can top and refine as you like.

For example, you can add mashed bananas, honey, syrup, nuts, or unsweetened cocoa powder to your bowl of warm porridge for a sweet treat.

For the clever time-saving option in the morning, you can


overnight oats


They are prepared in the evening and eaten the next morning.

Handy when you need to get to the office quickly.

The trick is to



oatmeal overnight


  • The ratio between oatmeal and a liquid of your choice (same selection as for porridge) should be 1: 3.

  • Simply mix both in a sealable glass and top it with fresh fruits, nuts, cocoa nibs, seeds and spices such as cinnamon to your liking.

  • About

    refrigerate overnight

    provided, the power breakfast the next morning ready to go.

The possibilities are endless, but aside from adding flavor, knowing how to cook oatmeal properly can make all the difference.

And something that people mostly forget is how beneficial it can be to



oatmeal before cooking


Also interesting:

Delicious slimming agent: This oatmeal bread is lightly baked and keeps you full for a long time.

Soaking oatmeal helps with digestion and nutrient absorption

Why is it so important that you soak oatmeal before turning it into a

delicious breakfast


It is mainly beneficial for digestion.

Oats can be difficult for the stomach to process.

One of the compounds responsible for this is called

phytic acid

, which allows oats to stay in the digestive system longer.

Soaking is essentially a great way to break this compound down so that your body can have easier access to the


it contains.

In fact, nutritionists recommend

soaking oatmeal overnight,

or at least seven hours, to eliminate phytic acid and take full advantage of all of the benefits that a bowl of oats offers.

Overnight oats are the best way to prepare them in terms of nutritional values.

The next morning, the oatmeal is perfectly digestible and you get most of the nutrients from your breakfast.

Professional tip:

add a pinch of salt to your oatmeal breakfast - even if you cook it sweet.

The salt enhances the taste and makes your porridge or overnight oats taste more interesting.

(mad) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Read more:

Hardly any ingredients: This is how you bake quick breakfast rolls - without any yeast.

These ingredients make porridge really hip

These ingredients make porridge really hip

List of rubric lists: © Jens Kalaene / dpa

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