The Limited Times

Leipzig: Michael Kretschmer criticizes chaos after "lateral thinking" demo

11/8/2020, 3:42:05 PM

The escalated "lateral thinking" demo in Leipzig sparked a debate. State Interior Minister Wöller rejects allegations against the police, Prime Minister Kretschmer sharply criticized the demonstrators.

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Demonstrators in Leipzig: Everyone is entitled to a hospital bed

Photo: opokupix / imago images

Less than 24 hours have passed since the end of the "lateral thinking" rally in Leipzig, when a number of top politicians have already commented on the chaotic demo day in the Saxon city.

The left-wing chairwoman Katja Kipping criticized the police, Union parliamentary group vice Thorsten Frei the Saxon Higher Administrative Court, Green party leader Robert Habeck, among other things, the Saxon Ministry of the Interior.

Its boss Roland Wöller and Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (both CDU) commented on the event at a press conference.

"None of us," said Kretschmer, "understands this type of demonstration."

It will therefore be discussed in the coming days "what options we have to ensure the protection of the population" - for example by tightening the Corona Protection Ordinance.

On Saturday, a mass rally of the "lateral thinking" alliance against the German pandemic policy in Leipzig got out of hand.

After a court approved the stationary demonstration in the city center, thousands of people ran through the streets despite the ban, and there were attacks on police officers and journalists, among others.

Most of the participants did not wear protective masks and did not keep any minimum distances, although this was required.

"The largest infection party with more than 20,000 participants"

Kretschmer now expressed himself diplomatically, but clearly: Of course, an ambulance and a hospital bed will be provided for every person who is infected with the corona virus at such a demonstration, Kretschmer said.

However, these places were then missing for other people.

"The danger is real," he warned: "The number of patients in intensive care units is increasing."

Interior Minister Wöller also sharply criticized the behavior of the demonstrators, saying that the demo had sent out a "fatal signal".

He also criticized the judiciary: With its permission for the rally in the city center, the Saxon Higher Administrative Court had "approved the largest infection party with more than 20,000 participants".

Wöller, however, defended the criticized police strategy.

The passive behavior of the approximately 2,700 police officers ensured a largely peaceful demonstration and prevented violent clashes.

"Now to accuse the police of having failed is irrelevant."

Since there were no riots at the registered rally of "lateral thinking", "using force against the elderly or water cannons against children" would not have been an option.

Wöller didn't go into the fact that apart from the "lateral thinking" demo and especially after it was broken up, there was violence and chaotic scenes.

The police always seemed overwhelmed, units were literally overrun several times.

There were several arrests during the day.

Wöller announced that the state parliament's interior and legal committee would soon deal with the events in Leipzig.

The police operation is evaluated critically.

Icon: The mirror


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