The Limited Times

News reporter 12 responds to Sheaming against her Israel today

11/8/2020, 2:05:36 PM

Surfer Sheaming to the Curls of News 12 Consumer Reporter • She in Response Uploaded Angry Post to Network | Cultivation

Surfer Sheaming to the curls of News 12 consumer article • She in response posted an angry post to the network and received dozens of empowering comments

Maayan Perati, a Channel 12 consumer reporter and a proud curler (as she even declares in a bio on her Twitter account), who is also a member of the Curly group on Facebook with more than 87,000 curls (and some curls), shared her followers on Shimming Curls' social networks recently Surfed.

"Curls, smooth, blonde or brown. Why is this at all a topic of discussion while we are busy with the big picture - to bring responsible, correct and important information to millions of news consumers?"

"Instead of life itself, that is, the content, the discourse somehow always tends to the 'really important' questions: what did we wear or how did our hair work that day and how does it happen? The answer is simple, we are women. Generations generations of women's occupies all of humanity. "The Renaissance painted and glorified fat women, in our time we actually prefer the thin and in an age of social networks and endless competition we all want to look like the stars of the network and society dictate to us. This week it bothered me especially," wrote Perthi.

"In a witty and funny post by a talented writer, one of the surfers decided to critique my haircut, the curls. He claims I mention Reuven Atar (by the way, one of the talented athletes this country knew). God forbid he was right because he thought we were both successful - but apparently Because he did not really like to see curls on the TV screen ... " 

"... and I, with a lot of thinking behind the keyboard (in contrast) I chose to publish the full name, the picture of the man and his reaction, not as Sheaming God forbid but to let him know that such posts also have a price. Do not say 'what are you counting on him'. "And he can penetrate an elephant's skin and it's time for people to know how to take responsibility for the things that come out of their keyboard," Perthi was furious at the surfer's lack of tact.

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"At the beginning of my journalistic career, people raised an eyebrow at my curls. They expected for a moment that I would succumb to conventions and straighten my hair, but very quickly realized that this was not my way," Perthi added.

"For me - curls are life. It's time to change something in the discourse, in the judge's look in our eyes and in our critique, you can argue about the content, but the curls are here to stay," Perthi finished the post on social media and received dozens of shares, hundreds of likes and mostly dozens of empowering comments. .

"First of all, your curls are amazing. Second, your talent not only goes through a screen but cuts the screen no matter what you look like," a surfer wrote, adding: "At the same time, agree that elephants also have a limit, and we must stop all violent and abusive behavior for We are all women and men. "

"Why are you so special with your stunning curls? Because most of the narrators and waitresses in general appear with their straight hair as if it is the only way to appear. So no. When you are on screen with your mane of curls you seem proud of them and indeed it is impressive and charming."

Slightly ironically, the shaming of the curls that Perthi snatched comes at a time when curls are experiencing a comeback and renewed love, and they proudly compose the heads of many slavish women in Israel and around the world such as Shlomit Malka, Eden Pines, Dorit Ravlis, Yuval Dayan, Roni Dalumi Michelle Obama, Zandia and Jennifer Lopez.

This is of course in contrast to many years in the past, where the ideal of beauty almost forced women who wanted to appear on screen or join the entertainment industry and politics to straighten their hair to cross the screen "smoothly": Shelly Yachimovich, Tzipi Livni, Sarit Hadad, Michelle Obama during her husband's tenure President Barack Obama, Nicole Kidman and Taylor Swift.

Either way, Prati's post proves that bullying of any kind, whether it be weight, hair or anything else is not acceptable, and should not be silenced when she raises her head.