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Palestinians are happy with Trump's loss, but do not expect miracles from Biden - Walla! news

11/8/2020, 9:06:11 AM

The PA severed ties with the US administration three years ago, following its pro-Israel policy. Abu Mazen congratulated the elected democratic president, but in Ramallah cautious about the future. "Expect Trump's dangerous destructive policies to end"

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Palestinians are happy with Trump's loss, but do not expect miracles from Biden

The PA severed ties with the US administration three years ago, following its pro-Israel policy.

Abu Mazen congratulated the elected democratic president, but in Ramallah cautious about the future.

"Expect Trump's dangerous destructive policies to end"


  • Joe Biden

  • Abu Mazen

  • United States

  • Donald Trump


Sunday, 08 November 2020, 10:50

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In the video: Joe Biden delivers a victory speech (Photo: Reuters, Editing: Amit Simcha)

For three years, the Palestinians waited for a change in leadership in the United States to resume relations with Washington.

This morning (Sunday), Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen congratulated Joe Biden on his victory, and now he faces the important decision of whether to continue political ties with the United States.

"I congratulate President-elect Joe Biden on his victory," Abu said. balance. "I look forward to working with President-elect and his administration."

in 2017 broke Abbas relations with President Donald Trump, accusing him of bias pro-Israel with his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the American embassy in contravention of US policy tradition.

" "We do not expect a miraculous change, but at least we expect Trump's dangerous destructive policies to stop," said Hanan Asrawi, a member of the PLO Executive Committee.

"They need to change direction and deal with the Palestinian issue on the basis of legality, equality and justice, and not on the basis of a response to the interests of the pro - Israel lobby and the like."

More on Walla!


Trump has yet to admit defeat, but the world congratulated Biden: "Expect to cooperate"

To the full article

Biden met with Abu Mazen in Ramallah, 2016

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