The Limited Times

Parks and gardens remained open: "With this new confinement, we need nature even more"

11/8/2020, 6:56:42 PM

This weekend, many of them took advantage of the autumnal mildness, attestation in their pocket, in the parks and public gardens that remained this

Closed throughout the period of the first confinement, the parks, public gardens and forests had been greatly missed by the French.

Since the reconfinement at the end of October, these places of walks have remained open this time, to the delight of all.

“It was extremely difficult the last time for us and the kids. During the first confinement, we passed in front of the closed gates of our park and we felt so frustrated not being able to relax there, ”says Marie-Pierre, who takes advantage of her Sunday to hit the ball with her daughter on the huge lawn of the Observatory Park of Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine). “I like being in contact with nature. It's important that I can see something other than my four walls, ”adds Aurélien, who is taking a breath of fresh air on a stone bench.