The Limited Times

The PA celebrates the end of Trump's term - but suspects the new administration Israel today

11/8/2020, 1:02:48 PM

| the Middle EastAbu Mazen hurried to greet and Jericho handed out sweets to passers-by upon learning of Joe Biden's election victory • But despite cheers from senior PA officials for Trump's loss, in private talks they express only cautious optimism • "We know Biden will not be as pro-Palestinian as Obama." Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen // Photo: Reuters Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen this

Abu Mazen hurried to greet and Jericho handed out sweets to passers-by upon learning of Joe Biden's election victory • But despite cheers from senior PA officials for Trump's loss, in private talks they express only cautious optimism • "We know Biden will not be as pro-Palestinian as Obama."

  • Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen // Photo: Reuters

Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen this morning (Sunday) congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden and his deputy, Amla Harris.

A letter from PA chairman read: "I look forward to working with President-elect Joe Biden and his administration to strengthen the Palestinian-American relationship and achieve freedom and independence, justice and dignity for our people, as well as to work for peace, stability and security for all in our region and the world. ". 

Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah did not hide their satisfaction with the US election results and the sigh of relief that was heard in the Muqata when it became clear that President Trump would not continue for another term.

Abu Mazen's senior adviser and associate, Nabil Shaath, said: "Trump's defeat in the election is a great achievement for us. And the staff in the delegation was asked to leave the United States. " 

Shaath also said that the Palestinians would also demand the immediate renewal of US economic aid to the PA, as well as other Palestinian organizations, led by UNRWA.

U.S. financial aid for these organizations was completely suspended or significantly reduced during President Trump's tenure.

However, it is difficult to ignore the fact that the chairman of the Palestinian Authority did not mention at all in the congratulatory message he sent to Baidan and Harris the core issues and Palestinian threshold conditions for Ramallah's return to the stunned table, led by a two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. 

"Biden will not be like Obama" 

A senior Ramallah official told Israel today that it was not for nothing that Abu Mazen contented himself with a laconic and brief greeting.

The source believes that Abu Mazen is clear that despite the statements and demands made by senior PA officials, such as canceling the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it in the Israeli capital, these are decisions to which the administration in Washington is committed and the chances that Biden and his people will deny the outgoing decisions are nil.

"Biden and Harris are known for their sympathy for Israel.

True, it is clear to us that their administration will not be biased in favor of Israel as it was in the Trump administration, but we know that Biden will not be as pro-Palestinian as Obama was.

He is a veteran politician of the Democratic Party and belongs to a branch of the Democratic Party that sees Israel as an asset and not a burden, "the source told Israel Today, adding:" We have no interest in imposing demands and thresholds on Biden, so as not to create disagreements with the new administration and incoming president.

It is clear to us that we will not be able to refuse the political plan of the president-elect and his administration as he did with Trump and his administration, a refusal that was accepted as legitimate in most of the international community due to the biased approach in favor of Israel. 

It should be emphasized that the senior Palestinian official did not deny reports published last night in the Arab media, including the Saudi news site Ilaf, that Abu Mazen would be among the first Arab leaders to meet with President Biden.

According to the report, Abu Mazen will present the demands of the Palestinians for the resumption of the political and shocked process with Israel.  

"There is no doubt that these issues and our demands will come up at some point, but another vision for the date and we will first see where the policy of the elected president and his government regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the processes in the Middle East. The senior. 

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